Looking at the reports of the shootings today they like look a semi was being used, 4 or more shots in rapid succession, some of the holes look to big to be a 22. So I think the governments claim that MSSAs are not being used is bollocks.
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Looking at the reports of the shootings today they like look a semi was being used, 4 or more shots in rapid succession, some of the holes look to big to be a 22. So I think the governments claim that MSSAs are not being used is bollocks.
Watch Parker parrot on his bollocks at the start of this post mate, that's why I put it up. They are still utterly detached from reality for what's actually happening on the streets.
Meanwhile the tooth fairy labour princess is getting all sorts of accolades and people swanning over her in America, whilst at home there is a nightly running gun battles in Auckland.
Not really relevant to NZ and what were facing.
Would have liked to have seen that @Nathan F but it won’t let me as outside the country…….might be just as well lol:XD: so he really said that?!!:wtfsmilie:
Have to try to remember the donkey dentures one I may have to borrow that:thumbsup:
After reading this thread i now have a bunch of new things to yell at my telly. Surprised its not covered in toast crumbs by now. But seriously i agree with almost all posts. I hear and see these politicians and instantly regret turning the news on. Im sick of hearing sirens every night and that black helecopter makes Auckland feel like district 9. I dont go jogging now because 2 random people have recently been stabbed in my immediate area alone. 2 or 3 gunned down as well. Not to mention when you try to go shopping at countdown (dead mr stabby shouldnt have been in NZ im refering to you!). Crime in Auckland is an abortion and we all know it (except for the polliticians). Labours failures are having a real and observable effect i feel. Hearing them blame governments of the distant past and their own shabby handling of covid just makes my blood boil.
See the latest ? Stolen information from Auckland central police station containing firearms owners info. These are the same inept muppets advocating for a firearms register lol
I can't tell if it's malicious or incompetence any more
It’s like dumb and dumber :wtfsmilie:
I’d not like to be the in the next crew that had to clean up this mess……..is the new treasurer going to be left a note…….”Sorry there’s no money left”:o:x_x:
Just makes me kind of thirsty let’s have a nice glass of water:psychotic:;)
They said not to worry. They're looking into it....
Reminds me of the story about the new Kaitaia Police station. They had to postpone the opening cos someone broke into it the night before and stole the toilet leaving a gaping hole in the floor. Police were quoted as saying "We are looking into it, but have nothing to go on"..........
Did anybody see the show this morning.They had an LFO on the show who'd had the whole gun safe stolen from his house and no follow up from the police. Then they doubled down by having the Auckland area commander try and explain why sensitive information was left in an abandoned police station. She looked woefully out of her depth. It's good to see mainstream media starting to hold police and govt to account. They also highlight how woefully inept the whole gun buy back fiasco was.