Tougher consequences....
5 years jail instead of a few months!!!!
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Tougher consequences....
5 years jail instead of a few months!!!!
I don't agree on tougher sentences as that is trying to fix the issue after it happens and in the heat of the moment it won't stop anything.
Better training is the key. Make everyone sit a practical
I agree better training ! . And this needs to come from the hunting clubs/ associations etc. Why ? Is that if it doesn't gun laws will get tougher, affecting all of us . With out getting political, tougher licensing will prevale over education !. Wouldnt be a bad idea to make it compulsory to join a club for maybe a year ? I cant see why this would not work .
There has just been an update on the Herald website and they are now saying that this is definitely another case of one hunter shooting his friend and the involvement of the AOS was merely because they were in the area on another matter at the time. As we all seem to agree, these sorts of incidents should never occur and are dreadfully tragic when they do. I for one would happily undergo a physical assessment requiring me to prove I can safely handle firearms and properly identify target animals to retain my firearms license.
Condolences to the families of both parties.
My brother in law in Austria has to sit an exam on firearms safety, an exam on flora & fauna and an exam on animals & birds recognition. He has to do 18hrs practical on shotguns at a clay club and at a rifle range. He has to belong to a club - All this before he gets a licence. If drops club membership they by law have to notify the police and he'll lose his licence. It's pretty tight.
I would like to see attendence at a practical session such as a mini-hunts course a requirement. A club membership a bit impractical if you're a cocky in the backblocks, but would be a benefit.
I still think a club membership could work for all , I'm not pointing the finger but have seen some very dodgy gun practices by farmers in the past . Where you expect they would be experts because of there exposure to guns from a young age.. This is where the experience comes into light again , if you have never had been taught safe gun practice , experience alone may not teach you gun safety?
There is a great deal of wisdom in that Munsey. I saw a sergeant put his boot up the arse of a baggy that was wildly spraying 9mm bullets out of an old Thompson sub machine gun in Brnham back in 72. I bet that silly young bugger never forgot that safety message ever again. Not advocating violence but affirmative training definitely works.
Another unecessary loss of life.
I feel some sort firearms competency test neds to occur during the licence application process. I would prefer to see better education than stricter regulation of firearms.
When I was living in Canada I got a Canadian Firearms Licence and we had to do night courses going over legislation, rules regarding safety and use and learn how to safely handle/load/clear the different firearm action types commonly used by the general public (they had disabled examples of all the standard action/rifle types) . It was run by their version of mountain safety council and mandatory in order to get a licence. You sat both a written and practical test on the last night.
Cost was not too bad considering the information you got out of it and the cost included the Licence IIRC.
This will help all new firearms users (and current) to better understand all aspects of firearm handling/safety.
Some sort of decent course should be compulsory, dunno about compolsory club membership tho, (There's none out there that would suit me)...................
Condolences to the families of both parties as well.
I would just like to say that I have only a few months ago had to renew my license after a few years over seas and had to do the full test. I have to say it does not give you a lot of confidence in the system when you have guys that have failed the test when they take it up to the instructor but the instructor talks the failed questions over them them and then just passes them.
I noted one guy that must have incorrectly answer 10 out of the 30 and he did not look like a guy that you wanted to have a license, yet after the instructor talked the questions over with the person he was passed.
Why do the media call it a hunting accident. It makes us look bad. Headline should be firearms "accident" half the cu@ts with guns don't know how or even go hunting
+1 the test alone is a joke, they even go to the extent to say that they prefer people to pass so they have the basic concepts yet those that fail still pass after a chat, the question i have if they fail the test on basics yet still receive a pass how can they have the basic concepts down? The logistics of a change may be costly, but then what value do you put on a life that may be saved by having better trained/prepared individuals in the field.
RIP dodzy.
Gutted, just gutted. No point having tougher sentencing for this type of thing.
I would suggest compulsory military training in a teeth arms trade. If you fire your weapon in the military without following ROE's or correct instruction really bad things happen to you.
It may have got all touchy feely now tho and you just get a stern talking too. :D
Na, I agree, a course of some description should be funded by the govt and run by suitably qualified instructors, either military or police with yrs of firearms training and hunting under their belt not just any old knob.
All I will say is condolences too the family:( Otherwise I will upset to many. RIP dude