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Agreed, but unlicensed firearms is beyond our control becuase the cops cant even control it.But could the mountain safety council be buffed up? its the police who issue the lisence but thats were they stop.Ultimately it will all be governd by money but can someone tell me were the money goes from our gun lisence i e; what it pays for and shit like that.there are over 300 thou gun lisences arnt there?.I only get on this bandwagon becuase i take my boy with me and i have three more waiting at home wanting there turn, as a dad I want to know things are being done to atleast add a bit more safty out there aside from the practices that i already preach to him.
Like a fire lane! with deer targets, live rounds and then you add in the curve balls! like all the 7 rules in the arms code walk around one corner theres a deer 20m out from you but 20m behind the deer is a person(cut out) tell the guy if you see a deer shot it and then see what happns,If he shoots the deer FAIL.That is a rough example.
I completely disagree with the rule " Identify your target"..... Before you all jump on me with foul words hear me out.
This should be replaced with " identify what part of your target you are shooting at".......this makes people take a whole other step in there heads and im sure most people do.
Have you ever heard of a bow hunter shooting someone by accident???????
This is because they have to be very picky on where they can place the shot.
The way i see it if a deer (for example ) is shot in the hind quaters then what is the point of shooting it?? 80% of the meat is fucked!
People need to hound there fellow hunters who shoot any thing other than a head , neck or chest shot.. this make people hook harder at what and where they are shooting instead of just throwing lead in the direction untill it stops moving!
Complacency is a dangerous thing around firearms. Just because someone uses a firearm constantly, does not make them a responsible user. How many hunting fatalities are caused by an experienced user - quite a few recently. From what i have read, many of the culprits have been absolutely convinced that they were shooting at a deer, and these guys have shot many deer. The brain can apparently draw on past experiences and convince you that what you see is a deer. Makes me shudder to think that it could happen to me and I could make the same mistake. My number one safeguard is to ALWAYS assume the noise/shape etc is human, until absolutely proven otherwise. I never want to be complacent and think I could never make the same mistake as those guys.
Don't mean to sound all ponsy on my first posting (new member), but this is as serious as it gets.
Welcome Lentil..... I always thaught lentils were bland ... you seem to be a bit more interesting!
But Totaly agree.. it is scary!!!
Thanks oneshot. I fully endorse the shot placement principle. Just seeing an eye and maybe something that could be the neck and shooting is bloody stupid, but I bet it happens plenty of times. Might be correct 99 times, but number 100 ????
By the way, Lentils are pretty bland, but can surprise.
Papamoa.... i work there! Good to see BOP people here in force!
Bloody sad and mad about this.
Dodzy was a man who lived his life to the full . I met him a few times over the years and he was always at full speed no matter what.
I see new license holders all the time .Some have done their homework and have an idea on what they want or have a mate to help them with the choice.
Others dont know the difference between a .22 and a .223 . We as a store try our best to get a new shooter to the range and at least get the rifle sighted in + show the basics of cleaning and care along with a range rules talk.
More in depth training may help but adhering to the rules will help more.
Cant fucken believe this shits keeps happening . For some fucken venison. Wake up people , this literally was in my back yard . The access to the bush there was across my old farm. Ive taken my kids for walks in there , makes me feel fucken sick.
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Condolences to the family, such a waste.
Thoughts are also with the SAR guys, who have to camp out with him and who can't do what they do best - find and rescue people.
I reckon a HUNTS course should be a mandatory part of getting a FAL. It may be partly flawed but it's all we have.
We make learner drivers and restricted drivers pass tests and get supervised driving hours, why not hunters that can't demonstrate the equivalent hunting experience of a HUNTS course?
My mantra is:
1. I must be able to see ALL of the deer
2. I must be able to identify what type of deer it is - spiker, hind, Stag
3. I must be able to evaluate what is behind the deer for a safe firing zone
If i see an animal on the skyline - no shot
Not sure a course would be overly effective unless run by the army who will punch people who fuk up so they learn from their mistakes. You need to do two practicals to get a car licence but plenty of people still drive like idiots.
this problem will not stop!To many hunters are like newbee Chinese drivers but with a gun.
Its a hunters culture problem -even down to mountain safety officers --people don't take the rules seriously,
I wish all the money police spent on the arms amendment bill went towards a tv ad to remind people of the 7 firearms rules. If the shooter had seen a tv ad the night before similar to the car ones maybe it would have made him think twice before pulling the trigger.
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That dosnt happen these days,they teach by repitition.The right people for the job can be anyone!so long as they believe in firearm safety thats all you need.