Totally agree, I grew up shooting and have just recently completed my licence. I though the course was well though out and well presented, with good applicable information, but was based to much in the theoretical. It would take bugger all more time and $ to include a portion of the test that includes actual handling and simulated firarms use, across a couple of common scenarios.
That being said, you will never completely remove human error from any activity, and in terms of injuries and deaths, hunting and shooting is still nowhere near as dangerous as many other common past times. And I do think at least in my experience, that the test does a good job of providing you with the right knowledge to be a safe/responable firearms owner.
The application of that knowledge is up to the end user. And you will always get those who are to arrogant/stupid to adhear to the rules even when dealing with something with such a high potential for danger as a firearm.
I just hope like hell we dont end up like ausi or the UK. No semi's and a million restrictions around every aspect of firearms.