Yeah it would be nice if everyone was on the same page.... but hundreds of submissions that aren't coherent, from people that have poor technical understanding of the issues doesn't seem to be a solution either does it? But lets all go into that situation without discussing it so that we create a really unified impression...
It seems like words are the main issue... and here you are suggesting that they are not important. They will squash you with words if you don't compete with them at that level.
So what if a little blood is shed in the thrashing around of the issues.... more chance of understanding increasing, than by not discussing it.
Have you not noticed that our society is run on words. Maybe the reason that our fraternity doesn't contribute words to the public debate is because they lack confidence to do so...
Everybody is so dam sensitive about public debate on the net.... yeah there has to be some control but there is plenty of that available isn't there..?
The net allows the less confident to participate without too much personal investment, they can 't hit you over the head with a baseball bat through the computer screen if you get something wrong...
I don't expect the staunch opinionated kiwi hunter to ever admit that they were wrong, or that I might be right, and yet we have degrees of that all of the time. And people go away thinking about stuff, people might think about it the next time the the word privilege pops out....
Lets not discuss it?..... what are u going to fight with again?
You know the largest influence we have is in the individual contacts that we have through work, our social circles and our everyday life... I am an absolute minority in those areas, and yet people know that I am a hunter, people enjoy the food I prepare for them and when I talk to them (using words) and I say that it is important for them to protect our legal rights, because it also protects their own... they understand that! They see a rational person even if they don't understand why I hunt, and by inference they think more of the rest of you... I would appreciate that the favour was returned,,,
Don't hide in circles of the same type of people who are even scared to discuss concerns that they jointly share, learn to engage, try to appear rational, learn the skill of disarming people (work in progress for me) ... practice your words...