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Thread: The anti gun lobby

  1. #181
    308 is offline
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    Hahaha an American telling us about gun control hahahaha

    Now this thread has really jumped the shark

    Quote Originally Posted by Colorado View Post
    Democracy is nothing more than tyranny of the majority. Two foxes and a chicken voting on what's for dinner. The foxes don't need a gun, the chicken does.

  2. #182
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    Read Arms Amendment Act 2012 in toto - the latest legislation pushed before the House ... by Police.

    Also be aware that initially it had been written so that ANY firearm could be declared an MSSA by Order in Council (requested by Police) It was only a handful of the wide-awake that stimied that.

    The other suggestions as to Police making it harder or more difficult as prevented by the present law ... and the fact that those very same wide-awke persons keep taking them to task when the begin going there. They have tride banning imports have racked up the cost of firearms licences - from $4.00 FOR LIFE to $123.40 for a ten year expiring licence plus $200 for an endorsement.

    They admit their practices are not necessarily reflected in legislation ...

    I have been involved since before 1983 and since 1990 have seen the gradual deterioration od firearms licence holders position. Three times now have been forced to Court to protest ultra vires behavior and been successful at slowing down the rot. Off to Wellington again to give evidence at a Regulations Review Committee hearing regarding the complaint about the 'Pistol Grips' regulation.
    Basically a complaint that the Order is a major extension of the number and style of pistol grips restricted by law and in our view places unreasonable limitations upon the safe use of semi-automatic firearms by restricting the use of a Court acknowledged safety feature.

    Cheese! How mcuh clearer does it need to become?

  3. #183
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    Hey guys circles a good to go round and round, most of us are now on the same page / belief. How are you going forward from here? You need to gel the group and set sail!
    big_foot likes this.
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  4. #184
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    Well - for a start putting our hands in our pockets and raising some serious funding to assist those who do something would be a good way forward ...

  5. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    Hahaha an American telling us about gun control hahahaha

    Now this thread has really jumped the shark
    If he did he probably knows a lot more about the subject than you do. But pretty sure he didn't say anything about gun control, he said quite a bit about said a lot about democracy though...
    Colorado likes this.

  6. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Southern Man View Post
    Well - for a start putting our hands in our pockets and raising some serious funding to assist those who do something would be a good way forward ...
    Goodo Who, What, When?
    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  7. #187
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    GunDoc and JayDee from sportshooter forum have set up the "Firearms Fighting Fund" as a non-profit organisation which helps fund the National Shooters Association and other personal firearms law inititives.

    Both are recently retired - GunDoc from a career as a Firearms manufacturing Gunsmith and JayDee as a Toolmaker.
    Both have been involved in Firearms lobbying and several Court Cases (GunDoc as a Court recognised firearms expert and JayDee giving advice as an 'ordinary man' in several Court matters. Both were involved with PSI vs COP back in 1990 and assisted with Lincoln vs Police in 2009 (the Check Your Stocks reversal) and also in the recent NSA Statemen tof Claims case. I know them both - hence my knowledge of the cases.

    Firearms Fighting Fund
    03 1599 0030592-00

    Any donations are greatfully accepted - presently helping with the Regulations Review Committee 'pistol grips' regulation complaint.

  8. #188
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    Boom, cough,cough,cough

  9. #189
    res is offline
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    The anti gun lobby

    While it is interesting that it's not directly to the worthy but elusive NSA I'll be throwing some $ at that account on payday,as I do to other orgs that fight for our tools from other angles.

    You only get the rights/privileges (whatever you want to call it) that you fight for-and the combo of colfo and NSA fight for it so fund them-even $5 helps.

    I'm not associated with any of them directly for those who may wonder-hell both orgs probably think I'm a pain in there arse
    Using Tapatalk

  10. #190
    ebf is offline
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    res mate, you'll just be sending beer money down to a couple of law students down in christchurch

    "elusive" is an interesting choice of word.
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  11. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by ebf View Post
    res mate, you'll just be sending beer money down to a couple of law students down in christchurch

    "elusive" is an interesting choice of word.
    And there we go.... not only inaccurate but part of the problem.. and defamatory

    The only organisations that have actually done anything about this stuff, the only reason you can still import firearms products, the only groups that actually challenge the illegal activities of the police...... and thats the support they get from the community they help....

    Ebf - if you would prefer that I don't call into question your capacity, then stop giving licence....

  12. #192
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    Richard Lincoln of NSA fame is a 50 year old law student - who is working through his 3rd year of a law degree to better be able to conduct Court cases - now that is dedication.

    Gundoc and JayDee are very much long term and hard core Gun Lobby personalities who have been at the coalface since before the 1983 Arms Act - and got stuff done or been instrumental in it succeeding. PSI vs COP and the 2009 Touch Our Butts amoung these successes.

    They have become used to derogatory comments from the uninformed and plainly jealous BenDover merchants throughout that time.

  13. #193
    ebf is offline
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    Touchy point Sidney, or should I say Richard ? Want to have another go at answering questions about membership ?

    Res, dude, it is your money, do with it what you want. For me, I choose to support organisations that are happy to publicly disclose their membership numbers (not some fantasy they dreamt up), easily verifiable by dividing the subs income. Can you easily get hold of financial statements for the last couple of years ? How hard is it to get info about organisational structure, regional representatives, background of the leadership team etc. Think of it as buying shares in a company...
    Viva la Howa ! R.I.P. Toby | Black rifles matter... | #illegitimate_ute

  14. #194
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    NSA activities:

    1) The 2009 court case ensured that we still have thumbholes and Dragunov stocks despite the 2012 Amendment.
    [plus the much easier importation of 'sporting configuration' ARs - which continues even after the 'Pistol Grip' regulation]

    2) The word 'firearm' was replaced with 'semi-auto' to limit application of regulations to semis
    [revealed by NSA opperative]

    3) Attempt was made via SOP 036 to extend rimfire to those less than .22LR
    [Introduced by Richard Prosser NZ First MP but opposed by MOP Judith Collins and not adopted]

    4) The 'semi-auto' definition loophole has been publicised as was the ability for an endorsement holder to swap configurations

    5) 'Free-standing' has a Judicial definition

    6) The lack of need for a P2P when 'manufacturing' an MSSA for personal use has been Judicially clarified

    7) That the requirement for security to be installed before the issue of an endorsement is 'premature' has been established
    [ a discretionary condition cannot be placed upon an endorsement prior to its issue]

    8) A formal complaint has been laid with the Regulations Review Committee regarding the new 'Pistol Grip' regulation

    9) Research into a Judicial Review of the 'Pistol Grip' (and other possible) regulations is in train

    10) Ongoing investigation into 'blanket policy' transgressions underway
    [this is a biggie - an attempt was made to get NSA to agree not to persue any more matters in this area - they continue]
    [Already case law in this area - way back in 1990's PSI vs COP - some NSA 'oldies' were there too]

    11) Information presented on this very website has been ongoing.

    12) All 'authorities' efforts to obtain NSA membership lists and number of members have been resisted - It's a SECRET!

    13) You can help by continuing to contribute to the advancement of your interests ... or not - that is your choice!
    [Thank you for previous assistance]

    That is the short list - add to that a considerable number of cases where NSA has given private assistance and been involved in serveral other matters in Court. Plus the NSA submission to the Law & Order Select Committee - and several individual NSA members submissions as well

  15. #195
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    From Gundoc:

    The NSA exists to fight for the rights of firearms owners, particularly in regard to the government and its various departments acting within the law, and in accordance with the various rights that we have as NZ citizens. I use the words 'rights' advisedly!

    The various people that set up the NSA originally, did so against a background of failed attempts to bring about change by the various shooting sports organisations. Their failure was due entirely to their 'give up something in exchange for something else' attitude, even with full knowledge that they were being shafted. Their attitude was one of 'not rocking the boat in case we lose everything' when in fact what they had could NOT be taken away.

    Most of the original founders of the NSA had long history of refusing to back down in the face of strong opposition. These people, by their relatively singular efforts had achieved the following for NZ shooters; the introduction of IPSC and 3-gun shooting (against the NZ Pistol Assn. and the NZ Police), the introduction of Metallic Silhouette shooting (against the NZ Pistol Assn and the NZ Police), defining what constitutes the overall length of a firearm in the Courts (against NZ Police), taking the Commissioner of Police to Court over blanket ban policies and winning (a far-reaching decision that made legal history), etc.

    Thus the NSA was formed to provide a single entity to pursue these goals, not by negotiating but by drawing a line in the sand. Since then the victories have mounted as outlined in a previous post by JayDee. These efforts have been partly member funded and partly by various NSA founders putting up the balance. The NSA is fortunate to have the services of Richard Lincoln who, despite still being a law student, has performed exceptionally well in Court on our behalf. The initial Court battle in Palmerston North saw the Crown Solicitor shake Richard's hand and warmly congratulate him on a very well presented case. That is not too bad for a student who only had completed one year of study at that stage. I was there in Court to assist with the technical aspects of firearms for the benefit of the Judge.

    The NSA seldom meets face to face but uses email and phone calls when a decision needs to be made, takes the appropriate action, and slips back into the lair, watching and waiting. It is not an organisation that has regular meetings, puts out newsletters, etc. The various people who chew these things over all have other jobs to do to keep food on the table, and Richard is very busy with his studies. The NSA funding is used specifically and exclusively to fight these battles when they are identified, and our legal team has all their ducks in a row. Jaydee and I are both laymen but we both have a sharp eye for the written law (and a bit of Celtic fire in our blood), the others are qualified lawyers. First and foremost however, we are all shooters.

    I would have define the NSA as a movement, rather than a club.



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