I think your looking a bit deep in the pot there, I know of others, and myself included who have had to ring up and amend serials due to partial, incomplete/illegible or none present at the time of registration, one rifle I picked up that was grungy had a 3 in the serial, I was 100% confident it was 3 when I rung up, and after giving it a scrub and stripping back the rust and gunk a few hours later, turns out it was an 8.
They were more than happy to correctly alter the details when I called to let them know there had been a cock up and happy days, no issue to have that fixed.
Bet you there’s plenty of old buggers who have had to alter and change details due to eyesight or other factors, and I’m sure there will be plenty more.
“Knowingly providing false or misleading information” IIRC
Certainly doesn’t meet the criteria of “knowingly” being a few didgits or characters out with a valid reason.
They aren’t going to come and scoop you up in a black Nissan patrol and take your licence for making a mistake., doing it with intent, as they specify, is another story.