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Thread: Call to End Firearms Advertising.

  1. #16
    Join Date
    May 2021
    I didn't think advertising firearms was all that common anyway. The only place I have seen firearms advertised is in firearms related magazines. I'm inclined to believe that the woman is jumping on the "anti-gun" bandwagon to claim her 5 minutes of fame. She'd be better off looking seriously at the issue of children and vaping. She is after all in the Division of Health Sciences at Otago.
    If you have a garden and a library, you have all you need. Oh, and a dog, and a rifle

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    No feminine hygene adds probably wont phase her.
    She looks like the type that either dosen't use them or rolls her own.
    thats an image thats going to take a while to forget

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The way this thread has gone disgusts me.

    Whether or not guns should be advertised is a legitimate topic to debate. The rest of this thread is personalised and ugly bullshit.
    Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing, and right-doing, there is a field. I will meet you there.
    - Rumi

  4. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andygr View Post
    I'm inclined to believe that the woman is jumping on the "anti-gun" bandwagon to claim her 5 minutes of fame.
    I don’t think she’s casually jumped on the bandwagon because it’s another fashionable cause for the woke to be involved in. She’s a lot more invested than that, a rabid anti-firearms zealot and one of the founders of Gun Control NZ
    Hermithill and Andygr like this.

  5. #20
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    I'm with @Tahr as to the direction the thread has taken.

    What concerns me about Ms Cook's plan is that the hunting publications rely almost entirely on advertising revenue to (barely) survive. She takes firearms advertising, and all the hunting magazines disappear overnight. Chipping away at every single touchstone of our lifestyle, they will not stop until we are them.
    erniec, 40mm, Hermithill and 1 others like this.

  6. #21
    Member Sasquatch's Avatar
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    The fact that this individual is an extremist and has major influence on adolescents, her biased unchecked opinion is not only irresponsible - It's damn right dangerous. She has been majorly propped up artificially with people in power, that has a clear and concise agenda.

    And a typical select few of you, wanna defend her over some light banter and play the righteous card. Screw that.

    Fuck if Goebbels was alive today he'd be very pleased that the very group of society he wants to destroy, is defending him on a forum!
    GDMP likes this.

  7. #22
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    well the point I was TRYING TO MAKE....is like it or not,there are things advertised that we as individuals do not want to see...in my case it was because of the time they were being played that offended me...... and the broadcasting standards authority said it was perfectly fine for that to happen ...so my opinion/offendedness was disreguarded as not worthy of action...... which I believe is how this Vera womans opinion should be too.
    40mm likes this.
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  8. #23
    Caretaker - Gone But Not Forgotten jakewire's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andygr View Post
    I didn't think advertising firearms was all that common anyway. The only place I have seen firearms advertised is in firearms related magazines. I'm inclined to believe that the woman is jumping on the "anti-gun" bandwagon to claim her 5 minutes of fame. She'd be better off looking seriously at the issue of children and vaping. She is after all in the Division of Health Sciences at Otago.
    The Otago Daily Times out of Dunedin regularly runs adds from Delta Mike and the local Gun City advertising legal firearms for sale and why shouldn't they.
    They used to run adds from H/F, still do but it's all clothing and camping in those ones.
    Finnwolf likes this.
    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  9. #24
    Join Date
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    Think Tahr is trying to say, argue the argument, not the person.

    Arguing feminine products versus advertising firearms as context is one thing. Just try not to associate it with a person.

    Sent from my SM-T225 using Tapatalk

  10. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch View Post
    Ahhh Ms Cook... The proclaimed genius.

    Attachment 201869

    Attachment 201868

    She'll never leave University.
    that second photo needs to go under everything she does from not on out and never die

  11. #26
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    does this sensitivity to feminine hygiene products thing corelate with living in the south island?

    Iv only ever heard it down there, (chch when I lived there)

    always the most delecate of flowers, that when questioned expected their partners/gf/wife to do special things with their mouth but there was absolutely no way they would return the favor. at all. ever. ect

    maybe im just a degenerate but that just would get you laughed at up here, like a child who needs the crust cut off his sandwich
    Proudkiwi and 308 like this.

  12. #27
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    Inattentive drivers are responsible for killing people with cars - statistically more than firearms, by a long stretch. People steal cars and use them to commit crimes. Should we stop advertising them? Should we only allow 18 year olds to buy car magazines?

    Cars are useful to people like Ms Cook - she has a legitimate use for them, ie getting to work, or to the shops, where she buys her soylent green, or whatever her groceries of choice are. I know my statements above will be ridiculed by her and her ilk, but only because of the utility, and therefore acceptability, of cars to those who would deprive us of any opportunity of interacting with firearms.

    Feminine hygiene products - I don't see them killing anyone and can't see the connection to firearms - it does harm to our image to rabidly pursue an argument that is premised on revulsion at menstruation, to the extent that we would like to see all advertising of pads or tampons banned. An argument against something that is natural and ubiquitous to all women and has nothing to do with firearms makes licensed firearm owners look like a bunch of misogynistic hicks. We have enough trouble on our plates as far as public image goes without that stigma.
    Tahr, sgteval, rugerman and 4 others like this.

  13. #28
    308 is offline
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    There is a wider point here

    I think that the agenda which Ms Cook represents is seeking to marginalise firearms ownership as something abnormal or shameful like the way that cigarette advertising and alcohol advertising is banned
    I think that they want to cut us off and set us apart so that they can paint FAL holders in a light which shows us as weirdo paranoid gun nuts

    Some of the 2nd amendment US ranting style reactions plays right into their hands
    Personal attacks also play into their hands

    I fully support us publicly pointing out how much taxpayers money is being spent by Ms Cook and her associates for very little gain and I believe that this is a better strategy for getting the NZ public onside

    Under Labour there is a lot of public money being thrown at consultants for LetsGetWgtnMoving/ Polytechs among plenty of other projects close to their tax-raising hearts

    Anyone remember the hip-hop tour scandal?

    This sort of angle is going to win more hearts and minds than fussing over tampons

    The NZ public are starting to become aware that Labour is pissing their tax dollars up against a wall for very little gain in an inflationary world, if we as FAL owners can ride that tide of pointing out government wastage then we have practically written their articles for them

    On that note, the Firearms Register is going to be a HUGE waste of money, we should bang that drum more

    I think that the mood of the nation is better shown by articles like Rebecca Stevenson's latest in interest.co


    Many here may disagree with what she says but I think that she has her finger on the pulse more than others

    It is REALLY easy for some lazy hack to quote an inflammatory personal attack esp on a woman and chuck us all in the bin for it
    jakewire, Tahr, rugerman and 3 others like this.

  14. #29
    Member Fawls's Avatar
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    There's some strange shit going on in her head if you look at her publications...


  15. #30
    Join Date
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    @308 - Agree wholeheartedly with what you said. Cigarettes and alcohol cause harm, and that is why advertising them is now in the naughty corner. Firearms could easily follow suit. I agree we need to campaign against any attack by using rational, cost-benefit based arguments, and publicise the lack of value from anti-firearm expenditure.

    We should support any efforts to reduce harm from firearms, such as Dr Karl Bridges investigations into the underlying causes of shooting fatalities in hunting. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Karl-Bridges

    We need to understand the power politics behind the scenes - I OIAd the underlying statistics around firearm deaths, and was rebuffed by the government agency that holds that information. I was then further stonewalled when I re-submitted the OIA with more clarification. That is but one example of what it is that we must understand to be able to effectively stand against zealots and fanatics who seek nothing less than a firearm free society.

    Useful tactics may include:
    determining the source of illegal firearms
    examples of why a register cannot work
    examples of the harm a register could cause
    examples of incompetence by regulators
    examples of inappropriate sentences where firearms have been held or used illegally
    facts around firearms found at crime scenes - make, model and calibre, etc.
    education of journalists, or offers to fact check media articles before they go to press

    A single body that speaks for all shooters - regardless of whether they shoot F-class, 3-gun, trap and skeet, or hunt only, or target shoot only, or only collect firearms - is the single way we can achieve anything close to victory. Unity is strength.

    I am pessimistic of our future. We lack unity, and this thread is a a harbinger of the defeat I foresee, because we cannot stand in agreement, we cannot argue our case rationally, and we constantly score own goals. Members are constantly laying into one another, making statements with a high cringe factor, arguing amongst ourselves where we should be agreeing, and generally behaving like children. This is often about subjects that aren't even obliquely related to firearms, hunting, or even the outdoors, and on occasion, even make us look like a textbook case for firearms control! A prime example is advice that flies in the face of legislation, which I have seen in more threads than I would like to.

    I try to rise above the mud but admit I have been in it myself. If we could gain access a forum where our opponents spoke as freely and frankly as we do, without any regard for who is reading it, I am certain we would have all the ammunition (pun intended) that we need to sink them.
    jakewire, Tahr, rugerman and 9 others like this.



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