Page 2 of today’s Otago Daily Times.
The Gun Control nincompoops spouting off their ignorance and bias again with gens like “Hunters knew where to buy guns, the rest of New Zealand did not need guns advertised to them Ms Cook said”
Page 2 of today’s Otago Daily Times.
The Gun Control nincompoops spouting off their ignorance and bias again with gens like “Hunters knew where to buy guns, the rest of New Zealand did not need guns advertised to them Ms Cook said”
‘Many of my bullets have died in vain’
well you tell Mrs Cook from me I do not need to see feminine hygene products advertised on TV when Im eating my dinner at night either but the broadcasting standards authority thinks its ok for them to be on at that time...I have done the official complaint thing.
75/15/10 black powder matters
If I was an Otago University academic I'd be embarrassed to be associated with the "work" of Hera Cook
What a rubbish website. I tried to look up the article but no luck.
Use enough gun
Ahhh Ms Cook... The proclaimed genius.
She'll never leave University.
Well I no prude but when tucking into dinner having TV going I don't want fanny pads and green tailed mousy mousy on my mind.enough to put you off your lasagna.
75/15/10 black powder matters
I am with you Micky, especially don’t like the gross wash ‘‘em and wring ‘‘em out ad. As to those two in the photo above, the need to take a leaf out of this old duck’s book.
It takes 43 muscle's to frown and 17 to smile, but only 3 for proper trigger pull.
What more do we need? If we are above ground and breathing the rest is up to us!
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
Rule 3: Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Rule 5: Check your firing zone
Rule 6: Store firearms and ammunition safely
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
There is a wider point here
I think that the agenda which Ms Cook represents is seeking to marginalise firearms ownership as something abnormal or shameful like the way that cigarette advertising and alcohol advertising is banned
I think that they want to cut us off and set us apart so that they can paint FAL holders in a light which shows us as weirdo paranoid gun nuts
Some of the 2nd amendment US ranting style reactions plays right into their hands
Personal attacks also play into their hands
I fully support us publicly pointing out how much taxpayers money is being spent by Ms Cook and her associates for very little gain and I believe that this is a better strategy for getting the NZ public onside
Under Labour there is a lot of public money being thrown at consultants for LetsGetWgtnMoving/ Polytechs among plenty of other projects close to their tax-raising hearts
Anyone remember the hip-hop tour scandal?
This sort of angle is going to win more hearts and minds than fussing over tampons
The NZ public are starting to become aware that Labour is pissing their tax dollars up against a wall for very little gain in an inflationary world, if we as FAL owners can ride that tide of pointing out government wastage then we have practically written their articles for them
On that note, the Firearms Register is going to be a HUGE waste of money, we should bang that drum more
I think that the mood of the nation is better shown by articles like Rebecca Stevenson's latest in
Many here may disagree with what she says but I think that she has her finger on the pulse more than others
It is REALLY easy for some lazy hack to quote an inflammatory personal attack esp on a woman and chuck us all in the bin for it
Without one of them evil guns Jed Clampert wouldn't have hit pay dirt.Who knows,maybe the whole West Texas Oil industry!