How's this for a Horror Story. Cop used False Names and put Firearms on the Register under the names of Unknowing LaFOs.
How's this for a Horror Story. Cop used False Names and put Firearms on the Register under the names of Unknowing LaFOs.
Wonder if thats what they were checking on earlier in the year. I got a phone call from nzp saying they were checking discrepencys in some records all the info they had on my firearms was correct. Weirdly it didnt trigger the rego thing
article is no longer there
This should work
Worst bit is the Police decided not to charge the cop.
It is there, but not on that link
Less than 1 hour and the story's gone, Conspiracy theory's inbound soon ?
Should Lose his job, his FAL, & maybe his marriage.
Shit, that’s disgusting at multiple levels. The cover up by the cops the most concerning aspect. Unlawful use of police data systems alone should be grounds for dismal immediately. The excuse that cop “didn’t gain any financial benefit” is pathetic!! What if guns had been stolen or used in crime ….some poor innocent LAFO would be hauled into court ?! WTF !!
Sounds like the Police were ok to sweep the mess under the carpet but the IPCA seems to be taking the right stance. Very interesting article, thanks for posting the links