for anyone unaware.
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for anyone unaware.
Hopefully this is bought fully into public “sunlight”.
wont be - doesnt fit the anti-gun narrative of the media in this country
Thanks for the link. And what is betting that scummy fish faced maggot Chris Cahill was fully aware of this detail every time he regurgitated lies about the extent of firearms stolen from license holders that are used in the commission of crimes.
Lies, Dammed Lies and statics, caught out again.
While it will not get exposed by the media, it will be great evidence if there is a review of the registry and with the current slash and burn focusing on wasteful Government expenditure currently being undertaken, it may present some hard questions for both officials and the Police. I do not think for one moment that the Government officials were unaware of the information, they chose to ignore it in the hope it would not come to light.
This information is very damaging to the argument that the register will stop criminals obtaining firearms, which is a highlighted as one of if not the most important outcome of the registration process. Let hope there is a review.
Yes. The current govt were being very hesitant to get rid of the registry without proof.
One of the key KPIs of the rozzers was crims getting firearms from legal owners.
Just shows that part is bollocks.
Which brings it into doubt.
If they are truly in line with UN disarmament protocols, bugger all will happen but if money comes into it we have a shot
Makes my tax paying, law-abiding, long-suffering blood boil!
Well this made the news tonight and the spin doctors (police commissioner and Gun Control NZ) were in full flight saying that there is still a need for the registry.
the simpering frustration from the man bun of gun control clearly indicates the growing realisation that the beloved socialist control mechanism foisted upon legitimate firearms owners in hindsight after nz police cocked up is facing a very tenuous future.
equally inexplicable is the police claim that they didnt collect all datas from frontline FO in the force rendering their own report that show less than 2%of stolen LFAO arms are involved in commission of crime,now in the hands of COLFO under the OIA.
of course MSMs wee fellow refers to the clown caught with an illegal stash (discussed elsewhere on here)
the reason for these tits getting in a tangle .One very determined Nicole McKee Min of Justice who states unequivocally its under the spotlight and if found wanting well it gets chucked or modified(Ipresume)to become more usere friendly.
one hopes man buns organic soy latte gets pissed in by a large tom cat !
Any public servant including police have to abide by a public service code of conduct - they cannot knowingly withhold information from ministers that may be embarrassing or controversial.
That said I suspect only three things can be ascertained know that we know the truth.
One -that some senior police managers breached the code of conduct?
Two - that they did in fact show the minister and the ministers asked them to suppress or lose it.
Three - that certain senior police managers and politicians colluded to deceive the public by suppressing this info.
Given that the register was on the wish list of the certain deluded police managers for a long time, and that the last Govt was a big fan of useless virtue signalling legislation that made things worse rather than better most of the time, I think three is the most likely scenario.
One news...
One would need to be brain-dead to not see that collusion at higher-than-street levels of the NZ Police and Labour politicians has been the story of the whole sorry saga of firearms incrimination against private , law-abiding citizens in this country.Quote:
Three - that certain senior police managers and politicians colluded to deceive the public by suppressing this info.
In my humble opinion , the heirachy of the Police were given an opportunity to screw the population , and they ran with it , and now that the "truth" is becoming less murky - they still see them selves as paragons of virtue.
They are not yours or my friend , and never will be . Period.