Cop's stupidity aside, what kind of store keeps a display firearm loaded?
That's one or more fails really lol. Was it loaded by a staff member? Why? Why hadn't it been picked up when chamber checked (though it doesn't appear they bother) Or was it a trade-in that had just been chucked in the display case (why wasn't it checked before being put away? Had it been 'tinkered with' by some bubba-type?)
Sooooo much fail
Was in a diving store , and they had a loaded rail gun ( spear gun ) on display . Almost as dangerous as a loaded gun . The store owner was pretty imbarrased when I pointed it out .
Rule 7: Avoid alcohol and drugs when handling firearms
Lucky it was his finger not the guy beside him.
"Thats not a knife, this is a knife"
Rule 2: Always point firearms in a safe direction
tps:// wn+to+Gamebird+Season+2018&font=cursive
There's a stunner on YouTube just recently, a us cop shot himself in the gut, in an elevator, while showing off his pistol for a girl. It just makes you shake your head
Stupid is as stupid does.
She loves the free fresh wind in her hair; Life without care. She's broke but it's oke; that's why the lady is a tramp.
Rule 4: Identify your target beyond all doubt
Pretty simple really isint it or am I missing something?
1. Treat every firearm as loaded
Check every firearm yourself.
Pass or accept only an open or unloaded firearm.
2. Always point firearms in a safe direction
Loaded or unloaded, always point the muzzle in a safe direction.
3. Load a firearm only when ready to fire
Load the magazine only when you reach your shooting area.
Load the chamber only when ready to shoot.
Completely unload before leaving the shooting area.
4. Identify your target beyond all doubt
Movement, colour, sound and shape can all deceive you.
Assume colour, shape, sound, and shape to be human until proven otherwise.
5. Check your firing zone
THINK: What may happen if you miss your target?
What might you hit between you and the target or beyond?
Do not fire when you know others are in your firing zone.
6. Store firearms and ammunition safely
When not in use, lock away the bolt, firearm and ammunition separately.
Never leave firearms in a vehicle that is unattended.
7. Avoid alcohol or drugs when handling firearms
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Although its hard to see some of these French Elite Counter terrorism squat are armed .
I hope no one had one up the spout while they put themselves in harms way while scaling this massive obstacle .
It takes years of training and dedication to be this good .
I can see 5
1. Gun left with rounds in the mag on display
2. worker not cheeking to see if the gun was loaded
3. cop not cheeking to see if the gun was loaded
4. not pointing the gun in a safe direction
5. touching the trigger when not wanting to shoot
I guess 5 is a little hit and miss as he may have been cheeking trigger pull etc but others still apply