And the Darwin goes to...
Woman fatally shoots boyfriend in YouTube stunt -
And the Darwin goes to...
Woman fatally shoots boyfriend in YouTube stunt -
Seriously,. 50 cal from a foot away... Wow
Never fired a pistol but you tube gives a few good ideas of how this would turn out... Guess they don't look at other people videos
Last edited by 223nut; 29-06-2017 at 09:37 PM.
Fu*k Me
I've fire a 50cal Desert Eagle plenty of times.
A book ain't gonna stop that at two feet that's for sure.
Arguing with an Engineer is like Wrestling a Pig in Mud.
After awhile you realise the Pig loves it.
There was another video doing the rounds a while back, guy puts a "bulletproof" vest on and tells his mate to shoot him with a glock, mate obliges, shoots him, they both laugh although the guy that got shot is obviously in a bit of pain, he obviously thought it was just the impact of the bullet that hurt, then he flops on the ground...
Darwin needs to up his game imo.
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"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Well they won't do that again will they! Should have read that instruction book on how to use the desert eagle.
Shooting the book I'm sure is not in the instructions![]()
I read the story, all to make a name for themselves as You Tube stars, the idea was crazy to start with but when I got to the part of using a Desert Eagle .50 at 2 feet away I did notice a grin spread across my face.
Totally nuts, how they ever thought this stunt would end well is beyond me.
I see dumb people
But in the Movies thats what happens!
Ha @stug you beat me to it![]()
Yep remember seeing an American casualty show.
They brought in some young punk that had a total look of surprise on his face and was screaming that it hurt....oh it hurts.
Turned out he thought tat like in the movies you could get up and walk away with a flesh wound once shot
Really dumb?
Our just stupid![]()
thats so so sad, hope it wasn't a good book
Reminds me of publicised stories from WW1 of soldiers saved by their pocket bibles stopping rifle bullets. Those "bullet stopping pocket bible" stories were also thoroughly perpetuated to underline how God was clearly on our side against the evil, baby-eating Germans.
No good book will stop a rifle bullet fired at combat distances. Ricochets and shrapnel are of course a different matter.
I suspect some misunderstanding could have lingered from such stories and thus contributed to this stupid "accident".
It is always necessary to know the distance factor. I am sure even a smallish book could stop a 8 mm projectile at sufficient distance or after a ricochet. BUT he would have had to hold a number of phone books to stop a 50 AE at less than a meter. I built a range for a forensics lab once, using phone books. No problem stopping 7.62x39 at 1 m in one phone book BUT we used to layer the books end on so they didn't shred too quickly.
darwinism at its utmost best