After sending and receiving a couple of firearms just recently there is some thing I am curious about regarding this process. During the courier transport of the firearm I imagine at some point it ends up in a courier van where the driver does not have a F/L. Just wondering if any members can shed light on this. Or maybe I'm wrong and the extra high cost of the send (around $60) is because the firearm must be on a courier where the driver does have a F/L.
For a recent send I did, one store was reluctant to receive the firearm and I was told the reason for this was because whoever was tasked with Inwards goods at this particular store did not have a F/L so legally they could not sign for and receive the firearm as inwards goods. A bit of an anomaly there if the Courier does not have a F/L.
The system does seem to work quite well and I would hate to see further restriction on sending Firearms. So definitely do not want to rock this boat, I'm just curious.