If you've got a licence, I'd bet you wouldn't get away with sort of crap https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/3605...rker-sentenced :angry::pissed off:
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If you've got a licence, I'd bet you wouldn't get away with sort of crap https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/3605...rker-sentenced :angry::pissed off:
It would appear that this was a very stupid, immature mistake on your part. It's well known that the brains of young men don't develop until they are their mid 20s, and I anticipate about that that applies to you,’’ the judge said.
Aha! That will be why the opposition parties want to lower the voting age even more :)
the only thing good about it - he will not get a firearms license - but what about those in the car with him -none appear to have tried to stop him
Well there is an immature young male brain, then there is this sort of behavior. One is jumping off high stuff, accepting dares to ride bikes or skateboards down sketchy stuff etc, then there's actually shooting random people.
surprised that the rest of the road workers didnt deal to him to be honest
The difference being that this kid has not held himself out to be fit and proper, and through his actions has shown that he isn’t anyway. A licensed gun owner has and is bound to act accordingly, so for me a more severe whack for a gun owner in these circumstances would be appropriate.
teen kid he is 19 -- grandad was on his way to Gallipoli at that age - what the hell is happening to these young buggers thick as planks
if you look at the total bs they are indoctrinated with and not learning the " 3 R's" at school no wonder we have societal collapse
Just as long as no one got hurt feelings, thats the main thing today.....
Gaining and holding a drivers license does not include a test of character - the character or personal suitability of the applicant (their fit and proper status) is not vigorously assessed or scrutinised, and the bad behaviour of a driver is not projected onto all drivers.
Quite different with firearm license holders.
Goody, now we get to use ' It's well known that the brains of young men don't develop until they are their mid 20s' as a legitimate defence.
For those who can not read a room, I was being sarcastic.
Indeed. Back then kids were disciplined from a young age, were taught practical stuff and were expected to contribute to society and family by that age ....Nowadays, discipline is farcical, education farcical and tit appears that half of them are not expected to contribute anything anywhere...:thumbsup:
unfortunately maybe that is not the ccase..The last paragraph from the judge reads...
"But he considered that the two convictions would have consequences for Sinclair if he wished to travel in future and would hinder him from holding a firearms licence." so he was not given any conviction. He was ordered to coeme up for sentence if summoned within 12 months, so if he does anything that puts him in front of the courts, he will be sentenced, but if he behaves himself there will be no conviction and he could apply for a FAL later....
As the Judge so rightly pointed out, there was potential for the victim to lose an eye.
So did the poor victim have to be blinded in one eye for this idiot to be appropriately sentenced ?
If you call a flogging with a wet bus ticket appropriate yes
Holy shit I was right 'Judge Hollister-Jones said the teen was 18 at the time of the shooting and despite describing it as “extremely serious and dangerous” he said it was well documented teen brains weren’t developed at such an age.'.
I feel like this is being blown out of proportion. Who among us didn't do stupid things as a teenager?
I look back at some of the things I did, which at the time didn't seem so bad, and think "what a moron".
The "air pistol" was probably a BB gun. The type you play airsoft with. It's not inconceivable for a 19 year old to think it's OK to shoot people with it.
Heck, I thought it was ok to egg people's cars and vandalise mailboxes when I was 19.
Do I look back it and cringe at my stupidity? Absolutely.
It doesn't make me a bad person.
Well thats not very fit and proper and youve got a fal
My younger brother shot me with an air rifle not a plastic bb one, I punched his lights out.
never ever have i pointed a firearm or air rifle at anyone, if someone did it to me, the wife or anyone else they would be dealt to very seriously
Well that's not very fit and proper of either of you.
Regarding the drivers licence requirements, it should be the same. Should have to provide a licence to purchase fuel, or an exemption cert to prove it's for off road use.
But imagine the uproar if that got suggested.
No one would have the balls to start that shit fight.
Petrol is more volitile than a box of bullets, yet a five year old can buy it.
Funny thing is it seems its acceptable for someone to be unfit or proper to kill someone with a car and it happens far more than with a firearm
$250 wow just wow!
Quite affordable
For $250 it's well worth doing. you could spend an afternoon driving round shooting road workers, cruise ship passengers and bicylists with an air pistol, for $250. Thats an enjoyable afternoon and money well spent.
Yes. Dripping with sarcasm. Dont put me on a fucking watchlist.