laws made for guidance of wise obeyance of the fool!
this bloke gets off on a legal technicality and you come on here spouting so virtuously about it and chiding responsible gun owners for there attitude .
FFS has it never occured to you that whenever this shit goes down we get tarred with the same brush and labelled deviant as as a group.
So an obscure piece of law exists big deal -it does not alter in essence what this clown &co did which if you applied commonsense amounts to a gross overreaction.
mate i see this sort of shit all the time working in mental health .
one can be as nutty as a squirrels turd yet the law has it enshrined that that person can (at taxpayers expense) hire legal counsel ad infinitum to contest their legal detention.
one guy i managed (guilty of attempted murder) -did this six times with a snowballs chance in hell.
nup he did not suceed and just as well!
the legal beagles love this cause it means they can be extending the process suck more out of the public titty.
yes youve got a right to express your opinion ,but you need to think who youre dealing with before you start to sound like a new age fundamentalist gospel preacher!