We have used these in all forms of shooting from about 2005, best I have personally used and have experience of to date.
I have permanent ringing in my ears from firearms when i was younger and my job when i was young it was uncool to wear hearing protection but its more uncool not being able to hear properly shit im even tempted to wear muffs when i vacume these days
I had ringing in my ears for about 3 days after a Black Label Society concert in the Auckland Town Hall. I often wear earplugs at concerts (I'm into hard rock/metal) but forgot and left them in the car that night. My ears were actually hurting during the concert, loudest one I have ever been to. My annual health check at work still reckons my hearing is excellent, so either dodged a bullet or more likely it's not as excellent as it was.
I use hearing protection whenever possible/practical when shooting, and always when mowing lawns, using loud powertools, etc (and dont forget eye protection too).
I religiously wear hearing protection at work, when I ride a motorcycle. I try to use it when hunting but I am planning on getting some digital ear muffs.
I have tinnitus from too much ear wax and now I'm an adult it's prohibitively expensive to get it vacuumed out. But it was so nice when I didn't have ringing in my ears.
Howard Leight by Honeywell Impact Sport Sound Earmuff are excellent. You can get them cheap on either amazon or ebay. I got a brand new set for $30-$40 odd, however they were purple (hence the price) so just painted them when they arrived.
Watch out for the fake chinese versions though, they're rubbish and rife on both amazon and ebay, much more common on ebay. However at least at this stage its pretty straight forward which ones are the fakes and which are legit as the fakes have a few aspects to them that differ to the legit ones. The fakes pretty much dont work at all and the majority all fall apart shortly after buying.
30 years of guys working around me grinding, rattle gunning etc has taken it toll on my ears, they ring constantly and i too wear earplugs vacuuming![]()
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
At 20 I had the same problem, ringing ears for up to a week. Started wearing ear plugs + muffs and no problems now (with tinnitus). Pass workplace hearing tests fine. If I have background noise I'm basically deaf though (at 36). If you were older there might be no coming back.
I had the ear protection guys just made a bad judgement call to not wear it, suppressors dont make them completely safe unfortunately. Ill probably have to live with it for the rest of my life now and thats a hard pill to swallow
You overdid it. Your pup didnt have ear protection either.