We have a FAL and to have that you have to be FIT and proper. Ben seems very proper and worthy of his FAL, but unfortunately is currently not fit. I'd not make this an issue about the cops - unhelpful to do so.
The police only has one option available to them, suspend, not suspend. They cannot direct LFAO to surrender his safe key to a friend etc, and anyway if he has a safe full of guns having no key is NO bar to a potential suicidal farmer from breaking into his own safe in the undisturbed privacy of his own home. No, in his shoes I'd not kick up much dust over the police's attitude. They've taken the only step available to them, and damned if they didn't.
Ben's actions in surrendering the safe key to a friend however says a lot about his safety, both his own safety and the safety of others, and will speak in his favour. Past behaviour predicts future behaviour in a similar situation.
Ben's actions in seeking help from a professional with his depression also speaks loudly in his favour. Past behaviour predicts... etc.
Once he is better (it is true this has not helped his social circumstances and support network, a real bummer in rural areas) he can reapply for his FAL and go through the steps. He will need a letter from his doctor supporting him having his FAL back. He has to pay the fee again, but it will last 10 yrs at least -- hopefully there was not long left on the old one (I'm trying to see any dry upside to this!). It will be helpful for his doctor writing such a letter if it is plain that the depressive episode was in reaction to life stressors and not because of alcoholism, or a tendency towards recurrent depression.
If you are a member of this forum, Ben - please feel free to PM myself or anyone else you feel you can trust.