I was interveiwed yesterday as referee for a forum member (having to travel out of town for same at police insistence .I was asked about their health and the vettor was told the following "Icasnnot and will not make any factual statement as i do not and cannot access their private health information .Police do have powers under the privacy act to do so if they require .therefore this is opinion only.she wrote this down as she was unaware of this! the style of questioning -very leading -very enticing social worker style.her constant references to mental health started to piss me off a little so i bluntly informed her of my extensive career there and if i said i had no qualms she need go no further.
bizzarely this took place in a public carpark,as people walked by and to and from public toilets ,as a car bonnet seperated us!.
At the conclusion I told her i considered the form very poorly constructed,she admitted it was and apparently new ones are under construction.
Rather pointedly she asked re my heatlh -told her id suffered from depression but my GP was happy to sign me off as a reliable firearms owner (x2) which I found rather bizzare and in hindsight was none of her business as Im not the person under scrutiny for licence renewal.
The quality of vettor training IMO is not up to par.
this and other anecdotal ,plus written evidence suggests to me Police HQ are in a real post tarrant "we must not do that again/steel ourselves for a right arsekicking by the royal commision " mindset