Three months?Pfft.... Mine expired on the 8th Feb.... Was sent the papers in late Dec and paid/dropped them in a week later.... FAO check on the 26th Jan.... And a little boy still waits...........
What I can't understand is if (pre Covid) the dept knew it was going to take months to get the renewal; wouldn't you send the renewal form well in advance of the time? Hell; NZTA are able to do it for car registration!
What has slowed it down is the FAO having to do a personal visit of a referee after having done a phone interview. That was due to new govt regs. However I have heard of a FAO re-visit to interview a 17-year old (child of FAL owner) because (supposedly) they must interview anyone over 16 who lives at the property.
I know mine will come through; but it is a pain if you want to buy a firearm privately. I can't see any seller wanting to go to the hassle of contacting a FAO to find out whether the prospective buyer has a valid (or pending renewal) licence