Bro in law had interview back in september after doing all the tests back in Feb
Still waiting on the bit of plastic
Bro in law had interview back in september after doing all the tests back in Feb
Still waiting on the bit of plastic
Chrissakes people, why complain on here?
Nag the cops, they are the crims in this case
If you don't use their official channels to bitch and moan at them, they will turn around like the shiny-arsed weasels they are and say some crap about "successful partnerships with the firearm community" or some such bollocks
Some info for 'B' endorsed license holders going through renewal.
Submitted renewal application in June.
License expired in August
Vetting done in October.
Concerned about govt covid extension to December expiring I went to see the local arms officer 2 weeks ago to find out what was going on.
They confirmed they were very busy and had a stack of applications to go through.
Looked me up up on the computer and then told me that there was no need to panic, as all 'B' endorsed license holders had an automatic extension to December 2021.
First I'd heard of that anywhere. Asked what I was supposed to do if I wanted to buy something in a local gun store face to face, was told to get them to ring them and they would confirm that I still held a valid license.
I cannot fathom why 'B' endorsed holders get an extension and 'A' holders do not. Only assumption I can make with the recent phone calls and 'stock take' is that 'B' endorsements will not be around for much longer, and an extension to Dec 21 is an excuse for them to not have to undertake the vetting etc for renewals.I hope I'm completely wrong on this.
Just received an email letter of approval for my C renewal which I submitted hand in hand with my license renewal around September I think. I just need to sign the letter and return it to have the license sent out... I'm assuming that would be with the new license date and the appropriate C General and P endorsements for those related items...
Wife, as a new license applicant is still waiting on hers though and she submitted hers many weeks before I did...
i was told my licence which expired in may 2020 was extended to may 2021 and every time i bought ammo or a gun they rang up.
to check and it was oakly doakly .
untill trying to ask questions on traitorize me that is they were more fn hassle than any
long story short new licence turned up monday so im happy ,ish
Not complaining, but mine was to expire end of sept 2020. Didn't apply for renewal until I got the posted letter, even then a week or two latter which was about two months before expire. Vetting/interview done 3-4 weeks after application, plastic licence turned up a week before old one expired. I got lucky or maybe the last clean up bunch before the new forms came in. The new safe/ammo storage requirements where being used for my lockup before I new about it on the police web site, came as a surprise that the internal safe compartment isn't good for anything now.
Overall, my takeaway from all this is that we can trust that the firearms register is going to be really well managed.![]()
I think the vettor that came round home was a florist. She had absolutely zero knowledge of firearms or security.
A separate lockable compartment is still legal, no matter what the vettors tell you.
Also it you don't have to remove bolts as they say you do...unless you keep ammo locked up with the firearm (which they still refuse to accept even though its black and white in the Arm Regulations).
I was told I needed to keep my bolts in a separate locked compartment in a different location, and I keep my ammo in a completely different building. Even after pointing out the exact wording in the regs she still refused to accept it.
2.2.6 Ammunition
1. Licence holders need to take reasonable steps to ensure that
ammunition is not stored in such a way that a person who obtains
access to the firearm also obtains access to the ammunition.8
2. If ammunition is stored with the firearm then the firearm must be
stored in a way that it cannot be discharged.9 Methods of doing this
(a) immobilising the firearm by way of a trigger lock or cable,
(b) removing the bolt and securing it separately or,
(c) some other system to ensure that the firearm cannot be fired.
3. A separate lockable box in a safe, which is itself installed correctly,
is appropriate for the storage of ammunition.
4. A separate smaller safe, installed to the same standard as a
firearms safe, is appropriate for the storage of ammunition.
2. The Police will assess storage against the three areas covered in
Regulation 19(1) which are:
a) Ensuring that young children do not have access to the
b) Preventing theft of the firearms.
c) Ensuring that either; ammunition is not stored with the firearm;
or that if ammunition is stored with the firearm, the firearm is
not capable of being discharged.
Life is natures way of keeping meat fresh
One other point for those who are getting inspected - if they are looking at your safe, there is no reason for there to be any firearms in it at all
Until we have this registration, you don't need to show them any guns
In the case of vettors that are florists (nothing against a good hunting shooting flower arranging type person, we're not here to judge) - they can't hassle you about leaving your bolt in if they can't see your firearm in the first place
Also agree with others, ammo in a separate lockable compartment is lockable - doesn't matter if it is in the same safe or up the street, it's still locked away
how on earth can they tell the safe is securely bolted down if its full of rifles. take them out and show them the tech screws and dynabolts
This part of the new laws came into effect yesterday.
General conditions of firearms licence
Every firearms licence is subject to the conditions that the holder of a firearms licence must,—
permit a member of the Police to inspect all firearms in the licence holder’s possession, the place or places where the firearms are or will be kept, and the place or places where the ammunition is or will be kept, and, for those purposes, to enter at all reasonable times upon the premises where that place or those places are situated; and
There was a time that I was domiciled in "West Island", for the purpose of gainful employment.
Firearm Licence renewal procedure there, and any delay that might be encountered, is prescribed in their Act as follows: -
Weapons Act 1990
Part 2 Licences
18 Renewal of licences
(1) A licensee may apply for the renewal of the licensee’s licence.
(1A) The licensee must make the application for renewal of the licence before the day the licence expires.
(2) An application for renewal of a licence must be—
(a) made in the approved form; and
(b) made personally, in the way prescribed under a regulation, by—
(i) for a licence issued to an individual—the licensee;
(ii) for a licence issued to a body, whether incorporated or unincorporated—an individual nominated by the body for endorsement on the licence as the body’s representative in the conduct of its business or affairs; and
(c) accompanied by the fee prescribed under a regulation.
(3) If an officer in charge of police receives the application, the officer must refer the application to an authorised officer.
(4) An authorised officer must ensure the application is decided—
(a) as soon as practicable after the application is made; and
(b) if the application is not decided on or before the day the licence expires—within 42 days after the day the licence expires.
Given that Qld. Police probably administer a significantly larger number of licences than NZ Police, it seems extraordinary that the NZ system is, or has become, so tardy.
Perhaps the time has come that there really should be an entity, other than NZ Police, that administers firearms licencing.