did they send you email to ask filling in the new form?
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Seems the poor old Po Po are a little bit snowed under.............
it seems they had no issue with issuing a licence in a speedy fashion to "he who shall not be named" but the rest of us don't get the same speedy service.
In fact the only speedy thing we got was BLAMED for their incompetitance
Time to bombard your local MPs to get them to start asking questions.
About time the FA administration is removed from the police!
I put my renewal in BEFORE lockdown 1. Been interviewed, still waiting. If you paid for this service, you would be complaining. Oh wait, we do pay for this.. :pissed off:
got my first license 30 years back, took 2 weeks. but my main reference was relatively senior cop. but this was my "lifetime license"..........yeah right
Complaint form to fill out.....
And probably going through the Govt Ombudsman might assist with what's considered acceptable?
This would not surprise me in the least. Look out, with the fallout from the Royal Commission, Police/Govt will do anything to distract. I hope this is wrong given there was 3 years and an admin change proposed in the Arms Amendments.
Same boat. I had my FAL many years ago and this year decided to renew it so I could join a locate Clay Shooting club, filled out the forms, paid the fee and dropped off at the main Police station in Henderson on 2nd March 2020… then good old COVID-19 hits.
18/5/2020 sent follow up email and was advised I was not a priority and will get to it in due course.
23/7/2020 sent follow up email and was told renewals was now priority but my case was not assigned to vetter yet.
15/9/2020 sent follow up email and was told still waiting on vetter
17/9 phone call from vetter to book in visit, he was interviewing my referee 20/9/2020 and then would visit home to complete other interviews.
His visit to my referee last over and hour. His visit home lasted 4 hours as we have 2 family members over 16 years, so he had to interview 4 people plus the storage viewing.
He did say if I had not heard in 10 weeks to make some enquiries, but I thought he was kidding… he was not!
21/10/2020 & 28/10/2020 sent follow up emails and 29/10/2020 got There is a large backlog of files and they are being processed in chronological order of being received. We will get to your file in due course.
Left it awhile and 26/11/2020 rang and was told still in the pile to be reviewed, then must go to checker and then if approved on to Wellington to be uploaded and card ordered was told not to expect anything this side of Xmas! So given the Xmas break and NZpost don’t expect anything until February almost 12 months.
Submitted my renewal form on the weekend - email acknowledging my applications says to expect it to take four months (mine expires in mid March) - saw the Stuff article that there are currently 10,000 outstanding applications and they are taking well over 6 months to come through... I will be chasing it early as that's the roar out otherwise.