And therein lies the very guts of the debate Eben.
Because it totally depends on whose definition of "military" and "sporting" carries the most weight in a negotiation.
Remember what was said, in this thread, specifically. That the rifles in the WA list are hunting rifles.
"All the calibers mentioned are sporting calibers.....hunting."
That is what I responded to. A .50 BMG is not a hunting rifle. You know that, I know that, the police know that, the SSAA know that, COLFO know that. Some will argue that it can be whatever you like, but you and I both know that would just make you look silly in your discussions with police.
Which brings me to the important point - at least you are having discussions with police! And long may that continue. The question in my mind is have you lawyered up? The funding for proper legal representation is the Achilles heel going forward - the NRA defend themselves through an army of specialist lawyers that are very hard to beat.
Those sitting on the other side of the table from you will be hoping you turn up with a ill-considered "no compromise" position, because that is always the easiest position to defeat. A "no compromise" position enables them to make you look intransigent and dangerous, and there's all sorts of ways that can be used against you. This is why so many influential figures did not adopt a non-compromise position here in NZ last time round. No compromise needs more support that you've probably got and that's a big problem.