ar15...M16 ford lazer...mazda 323
I have no problem with either..but the reality is,the government and general public now do.
my point is AGAIN if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck..its a fuckin duck.
and many military actions have been undertaken with SxS shotgun,.22lr single shot bolt actions,break opens of all discriptions and muzzle loaders...they were used in military actions VS firearm MADE for military action and you are of course correct the SMLE and 98 mauser were too. if you drive a unimog good on you,but dont try and call it a civilian shopping basket.
the remington 700 and indeed the winchester model 70 have bboth seen quite a lot of military action too..BUT thats a civilian firearm adapted to milatary use,the opposite to an AR15 which for all intents and purposes is was and will always be a military firearm adopted to civilian use.
if yo ureally want to nit pick the 10/22 is direct decendant of the springfield 30/06 30/03 and the M1 carbine as were the mini 14s the ruger ranch rifles the deerfields..they are all decendants of the springfield.
but they are not in fireing line YET.... the 10/22 has been deemed to have a purpose that is good enough to keep them around, the mini14 is still around on P endorsement.....
Im not dumb..I do realise the firearms were all origonally made for military could argue the same with bow and arrow. both have taken parallel pathways and both have diverged into different streams heading roughly parallel target,hunting and warfare....and both also have crossover/blending.