heres what I propose, I dont only want to own guns for hunting, hell i don't consider 50 bmg to be a sporting cartridge but i absolutelty believe that i should be able to own one if i wanted, it almost sounds as if you dont mind uk gun laws because you still get to own what you want to own, well guess what i don't, I want to be able to shoot long range competition I want to and do own pistols, and im sure as hell not using that for deer but guess what, i still own it. if we let them take this away what are they going to take away next? first we said ok we will register our e cat ar's then they used that register to check of everyone who was forced to comply with the confiscation then they said we will ban pump action ar's, we said ok, then they said they would ban certain pistols which they did, infact is this not proof that pnhg wants all firearms gone? that they are gradually removing the range of firearms we can own, creating difficulties for firearm clubs, introducing laws without really making it clear to everybody. they never go after the duck shooters semi auto but they will go after the minoritys ie sports shooters guns. A sports shooter would stick up in hand in protest if the government went after a hunters firearm but as long as the hunter gets to keep his 308 deer rifle most of them dont give 2 shits. gun control has sure as hell stopped me from doing what I wanted to do with a firearm and I envy you for not having the same experience