Yeah. Im going to throw and idea out there that might not be popular, but I think there is an element of common sense to it.
So we as a community knew there were problems with the old system pre Christchurch. basically it boils down too, it was too easy to get a licence, and magazines over a certain capacity should have been restricted too a certain class of licence. Such as is seen with pistol licences.
It would have done us a world of good as a community if we had of pushed for some such to happen- even if it was declined, we then could have justifiably said I told you so.
Now I dont think the same danger is there re these large calibre weapons. But they are a special class and thier ability is overwhelming in magnitude. I dont want to see them banned as the people who use them have a special sport and dont harm anyone. But recognising they are especially powerful, and that if one is used incorrectly in a high profile manor, that we will lose them. Does it not make sense for our community to suggest some sensible regulations aimed at stopping thier miss use before something happens? Or someone decides they just dont like them.