there you read it again.
some people do routinely cleanly kill animals with only one shot
doesnt mean they are against magazine fed rifles or shotguns
I gave you clear connections between some rather common firearms and showed you connections between others and how the yare connected and also agreed most are in some way derived from origonal military weapons..heck alot of confederate soldiers used thier own $$$ to purchase henry lever action you could well say a lever action 30/30 .45/70 .45lc 44/40 are or have been weapons of war....nobody is denying that they have been used in war.
Ive shot animals with SLR sks mini14 so yes I DO understand just how good they were.... but they are gone now..and Im enough of a realist to know they arent coming back.... Ive put it in past and like to leave it there,Ive thrown no one under bus.