who said anyone was HAPPY TO SACRIFICE e cat shooters????????
it was going to happen no matter what the entire shooting community did....and as flyblown has said above,a vast majority of shooting community had seen the shit going on before hand and the anti police spewing out now has been final straw in turning them off listening.
when said eCAT USERS deliberately flouted the rules and supported importers of goods to further pervert said laws,they were shitting in the communal nest
I shall type that out again SHITTING IN THE COMMUNAL NEST.
thrown under bus my arse...collateral damage YES. unfortunate causulty caught in cross fire from kneejerk excuse to forfill predeterminded ajenda YES but the were not in any way thrown under bus but other firearm users.......no more than they ere after aromoana shootings saw law changes to lower magazine capacity and new endorsement category created..... the laws were there to allow these firearm types to be used in responsible manner AND VAST MAJORITY OF FOLKS DID COMPLY....but some didnt and it bit EVERYONE in the arse....and the biting is still going on.