Sorry to add to this thread so late in the piece. The fact is that the 308 winchester or 7.62x51 is a 1000mtr sniper round. The rest on the WA ban list are more powerful but you need really good glass, thousands of rounds of ammunition to practice with, a good trainer and a range on which to practice. Long range kills exceeding 1000mtrs have all been by highly trained specialists and number less than 25 recorded. We can all own a race car but we will never win a race without the training. Remember the New Zealand police are unarmed, cant shoot well , arn't trained well with firearms, dont have to have a gun licence to carry an assult rifle, love to intimidate people and their representives will willingly lie to get a result. Interesting that the 1200mtr steel match a few years ago was won with a 5.56, prior to the mssa ban.