Whys is the price of acquiring your firearms license $126.50
When the price of re-issuing it after its expired $241.50, almost double???
Whys is the price of acquiring your firearms license $126.50
When the price of re-issuing it after its expired $241.50, almost double???
I think if you redo it before it expires it doesn't cost as much.
Rule 1: Treat every firearm as loaded
it sux but chep for the fun i recon its the duck shooting one that made me take a step back!!
Set or approved by the minister for the nation. Regional input not really !! Be fairer if it was get prorated but then the southerners would moan as they get the most time. Currently they get the most bang for their bucks. Nothing we can do about it unless you wish to get involved and elected then it won't be a problem cos you ll have no free time to shoot ..
The $241.50 is most likely just a nominal fee with the $126.50 more of a financial incentive to encourage Firearms users to relicence before expirey (unless you have no intention to relicence that is) in order for the Police to maintain accurate records.
I'm sure it costs the Police much more than $241.50 to process the application.
I've been through this process within the last month and heres a brief explaination on whats involved and as you could appriciate theres a fair few hours work involved with each application not to mention the costs in maintaining the database and production and delivery of the physical licence.
Firstly I was contacted by the Arms Officer by phone to advise my licence was about to expire, confirm my current address and ask if I was intending to relicence.
I then recieved a letter explaining that my licence was about to expire and enclosed were the application forms for renewal and an explanation of how the process works.
I completed the forms, paid my money at the Police bankers @ Westpac and took the reciept and application forms to the AO who began the process by logging the reciept of this application and issuing a work order to the licencing Inspector.
I was then contacted by phone by the licencing Inspector who arranged a time to visit and interview myself, my wife and anyone else who resides at my address.
He visited on the apointed day and spent about an hour and a half with us.
He then visited my referees which took about another hour each of his time not counting traveling to visit them.
He then would have had to complete all his paperwork including a Police background check and submit them to the firearms officer for review and reccomendation.
The AO recieves this report reviews it and passes it to the Area Commander for approval.
Final sign off is completed by the Area commander who reviews the information and sends it back to the AO either accepted or rejected.
If accepted more paperwork is completed and an order is placed for the production of a New Firearms Licence.
Said licence is the posted to my address.
If rejected then the AO has even more work to complete, including reviews and appeals etc.
All this work costs the Police (Us taxpayers actually) much more than $126.50, and I'd say it would cost even more than $241.50
Hi Pete, thanks for those details. You were probably right about the costs being more than the fee(s).
I've just had the interview with the inspecting officer today. Could you remember how long your whole process took, from application lodged to receiving it in the mail?
Time taken was about four or five weeks in total.
The inspector was round home days after the application was made
The majority of the time was taken up with the District Commander being too busy to sign off on the paperwork so it sat on his desk for a couple of weeks.
Once that was done the licence appeared in the mail about a week later.
Yeah but hey I didn't want a licence, wasn't my idea to licence everyone, oh sorry forgot my place in society, I pay for everything.
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Yep that sums up the process P38. Not as straight forward as people think.
Now, how often are you checked for your firearms licence while hunting? Naughty me took a gun to a shop to have a scope mounted and taken away only to have forgotten the licence which was in my hunting day pack. Guy behind the counter wouldn't surrender the gun back to me (couldn't argue with that), 30 minutes later I was back with said licence.
when i redid my fal my ao was are ass. he even asked my wife to open my safe which she coudnt as i have the key hidden