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Thread: Firearms Project Community Discussion Sessions: FCAF update

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Firearms Project Community Discussion Sessions: FCAF update

    Hi All,

    If interested,

    Good morning FCAF members

    "In Police’s effort to review and improve the administration of the Arms Act, the Arms Act Service Delivery Group is looking closely at how Police can best deliver firearms related services to the public in a timely, consistent, and cost effective manner.

    To assist with this work, the project team are looking to meet with Police district staff and firearms user community members for participatory discussion sessions in all police districts. These sessions are designed in a way that it will enable you to contribute creatively to the current thinking around challenges, opportunities, needs and wants of the firearms community when interacting with Police for Arms Act related services. We want to hear about any insights you may have from your interaction with the Police and external agencies involved in delivery of services. We will also spend some time to understand from you what you think are the areas we need to focus on and how we may improve our service model to deliver consistent, timely and efficient services to you. During the workshop, you will have a chance to ask questions, have open and genuine discussion and provide any feedback to help us shape our understanding of unique issues in your community.

    The schedule of visits is shown below. While the times and dates will remain unchanged, the schedule will be updated with venue locations as we finalise arrangements with venue providers. Updates will be published on the News and Updates section of the Police website News and updates | New Zealand Police.

    All firearms community members are welcome to attend and I would be grateful if you could distribute this information widely across your networks.

    Firearms Community Sessions Schedule



    Session Time


    Friday 1 June

    12.30pm to 2pm

    New Plymouth

    Tuesday 5 June

    11am to 12.30pm


    Wednesday 6 June

    10.30am to 12pm


    Thursday 6 June

    4.30pm to 6pm

    Palmerston North

    Thursday 7 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Monday 11 June

    10.30am to 12pm


    Monday 11 June

    8am to 9.30am


    Tuesday 12 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Wednesday 13 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Thursday 14 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Monday 18 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Tuesday 19 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Wednesday 20 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Thursday 21 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Monday 25 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Tuesday 26 June

    1pm to 2.30pm


    Thursday 28 June

    4.30pm to 6pm


    Friday 29 June

    2pm to 3.30pm

    Kind regards,


    Mike McIlraith

    Officer in Charge
    Arms Act Service Delivery Group
    "I do not wish to be a pawn or canon fodder on the whims of MY Government"

  2. #2
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Up in da hills somewhere near Nelson
    Dates and times are not very user friendly to the general WORKING interested party.
    Is that a deliberate ploy
    Tommy, 300CALMAN and berg243 like this.

  3. #3
    SiB is offline
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    Oct 2012
    It’s important enough I’ll be there regardless

    Yes I appreciate not all workers will have the flexibility.

    But this is important. I’m certainly concerned that non-hunters/shooters loaded with media hype will present a skewed and disproportionate perspective on firearm safety in our community

  4. #4
    Member 40mm's Avatar
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    ill try, how about one on the shore???? manukau is a prick of a place to get out of at that time.
    Use enough gun

  5. #5
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    Feb 2013
    spreydon christcurch.
    Given the high number of westcoast firearms owners would have thought their input would be sought .out of common courtesy at very least.

  6. #6
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    Given the high number of westcoast firearms owners would have thought their input would be sought .out of common courtesy at very least.
    I agree. Its bullshit to be fair. Maybe we are too feral

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    Beaker and Boaraxa like this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  7. #7
    SiB is offline
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    If this is their consultation process, and you guys are raising valid concerns, then it is imperative those concerns are made public at the forums, or in writing via whatever process is established.

    Do not assume that by questioning, or, dare I say it, venting on this forum you have done your bit; you haven’t. You need to ensure whatever concerns, questions and praise you might have are directed, and duly recorded within the appointed process.

    I for one am becoming increasingly aware that ‘consultation’ requires active and intelligent participation.

    And if the implications are unclear to you, that in itself is a danger sign.

    Ask yourself;

    How will these changes benefit me?
    How might these changes benefit my family, my community?

    How will this process benefit legitimate users of firearms per our current situation and classifications?

    How will this directly reduce the risks associated with firearms, including possession and use of firearms by non-licenced users, including criminal elements?

    My 5c worth
    Savage1, Bagheera, Boaraxa and 4 others like this.

  8. #8
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiB View Post
    If this is their consultation process, and you guys are raising valid concerns, then it is imperative those concerns are made public at the forums, or in writing via whatever process is established.

    Do not assume that by questioning, or, dare I say it, venting on this forum you have done your bit; you haven’t. You need to ensure whatever concerns, questions and praise you might have are directed, and duly recorded within the appointed process.

    I for one am becoming increasingly aware that ‘consultation’ requires active and intelligent participation.

    And if the implications are unclear to you, that in itself is a danger sign.

    Ask yourself;

    How will these changes benefit me?
    How might these changes benefit my family, my community?

    How will this process benefit legitimate users of firearms per our current situation and classifications?

    How will this directly reduce the risks associated with firearms, including possession and use of firearms by non-licenced users, including criminal elements?

    My 5c worth

    Yes, put it into writing. Danger is that "consultations" will otherwise be able to get abused in a cherry picking manner to push through predetermined agendas/"conclusions".

    Sorry, this is an ongoing thing: no end in sight. Just gotta keep on keeping on.
    Backcut and csmiffy like this.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  9. #9
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    Jan 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    Given the high number of westcoast firearms owners would have thought their input would be sought .out of common courtesy at very least.
    I doubt it very much-if they have an agenda to push through they will do whatever it takes to make it happen
    My one and only experience with community consultation was as a chair on a board of trustees for a school in the firing line in a nationwide school review to close schools.
    As far as I was concerned it was a farce. Anecdotal evidence of farming communities having their one and only community consultation meeting held right in the fat part of milking so few could turn up for example.
    It was basically a forum where they could show that they consulted with us but were told all the way through that it may not make any difference anyway.
    I found it was a classic example of "yes minister" where the staff of the ministry dept. managed to push their agenda onto a govt who were willing to barge it through care of their hit man Trevor Mallard. managed to keep our school but closed down 5 out of 8 schools and merged them.
    So no I doubt they have common courtesy and do not trust them to do what's right.
    Cordite likes this.

  10. #10
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    Home - mainland nz, actual - Auckland
    I'm keen to go along and throw my thoughts in the mix.
    A concern is that for the Auckland region to have only one session is asking for trouble. Ie Timaru has one the same time length - 30k vers 1.5m people. Just doesn't seem right.
    I might ask if Paula B is going to it........
    Please excuse spelling, as finger speed is sometimes behind brain spped........ Or maybe the other wayy.....

  11. #11
    Member Pengy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SiB View Post
    If this is their consultation process, and you guys are raising valid concerns, then it is imperative those concerns are made public at the forums, or in writing via whatever process is established.

    Do not assume that by questioning, or, dare I say it, venting on this forum you have done your bit; you haven’t. You need to ensure whatever concerns, questions and praise you might have are directed, and duly recorded within the appointed process.

    I for one am becoming increasingly aware that ‘consultation’ requires active and intelligent participation.

    And if the implications are unclear to you, that in itself is a danger sign.

    Ask yourself;

    How will these changes benefit me?
    How might these changes benefit my family, my community?

    How will this process benefit legitimate users of firearms per our current situation and classifications?

    How will this directly reduce the risks associated with firearms, including possession and use of firearms by non-licenced users, including criminal elements?

    My 5c worth
    Maybe they should put it out the wider audience then, possibly by use of that little thing that just about everyone has access too, the internet. Rather than holding meetings at times and places that restrict input
    Beaker, timattalon and Backcut like this.

  12. #12
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    spreydon christcurch.
    hahaha -no need to tell me about so called consultation -im a health professional -frontline -constantly subjected to consultations by spotty wee tertiary educated herberts who push the bosses agenda.what gets right up my clacker is when they start spouting off about "the process"
    standard reply
    when was the last time you cleaned up a dirty jacksie
    when was the last time you sat on a dark stormy night holding the handof a lonely dying person as they breathed their last
    when was the last time.......
    one particularly virulent wee knowall got this
    I came here with my colours on my back before you or your origins even swam in ya old mans nutsack!
    a prize dick who got the DCM shortly after.

    Im well awar eof police HQ pushing an agenda ,but whats more worrying is Stuart Nash as police minister is starting to show signs of uncertainty.
    A330driver, Cordite and csmiffy like this.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    hahaha -no need to tell me about so called consultation -im a health professional -frontline -constantly subjected to consultations by spotty wee tertiary educated herberts who push the bosses agenda.what gets right up my clacker is when they start spouting off about "the process"
    standard reply
    when was the last time you cleaned up a dirty jacksie
    when was the last time you sat on a dark stormy night holding the handof a lonely dying person as they breathed their last
    when was the last time.......
    one particularly virulent wee knowall got this
    I came here with my colours on my back before you or your origins even swam in ya old mans nutsack!
    a prize dick who got the DCM shortly after.

    Im well awar eof police HQ pushing an agenda ,but whats more worrying is Stuart Nash as police minister is starting to show signs of uncertainty.
    its not just in the health industry, the same thing is happening in the trades.
    we have excuses for apprentices that think they know it all and have been brainwashed to think they can choose what to do. ive had them refuse to go into a roofs pace because of spiders! ask for safety equipment such as charcoal filtered fans for a 1 minute soldering job because of "toxins".
    i was on a roof in the rain, asked the young fella to go grab more cable. 20 minutes later he's not back i find him in the van eating smoko because "it was 10 o'clock"
    and then we wonder why the hell we hire immigrants and import ready built product

    back to subject, i will be there in chch to listen to the BS slant on lawful shooters.
    hey kotuku hoped you enjoyed the disc

  14. #14
    Member gadgetman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kotuku View Post
    Given the high number of westcoast firearms owners would have thought their input would be sought .out of common courtesy at very least.
    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    I agree. Its bullshit to be fair. Maybe we are too feral

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk

    Monday 18 June

    4.30pm to 6pm
    I always thought Grey was on the wet coast.
    There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!

  15. #15
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by gadgetman View Post
    I always thought Grey was on the wet coast.
    Never said I could read gud

    Sent from my SM-G965F using Tapatalk
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.



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