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Thread: Firearms Project Community Discussion Sessions: FCAF update

  1. #136
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    May 2017
    NZ Mainland (Dunedin)
    Quote Originally Posted by timattalon View Post
    I think Cahills use of the term "Hidden Arsenal" clearly shows his intention and perception on firearms. I dont have an "Arsenal" I have a small collection.

    I will also email the herald and Stuart NAsh about the misdirection of the article and Cahills clear acceptance of being able to make statements that are anything but the truth. If they can only achieve 5% accuracy in recording of crime, how in hells name do they expect a register to be any use to them. Even if the made a 200% or even a 1000 percent (ten fold) improvement in accuracy, it would still be unreliable for any practical use.
    Mr Cahill should be working for Shanghai police or something similar, he would appear to be quite at home in such a role. Non-democracies require disarming of all citizens as the totalitarian state fears the populace and desperately needs to feel itself in full control. That's why totalitarians don't like the thought of police being outgunned by lawful firearms owners. Just look North: no firearms allowed for the Chinese, even airguns!

    The NZ democratic state on the other hand does not fear NZ citizens, armed or otherwise - for the simple reason that we get to overthrow our government every few years or more, without bloodshed!
    Last edited by Cordite; 23-06-2018 at 12:01 AM.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch



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