Unfortunately 2b means anything they wantThis is what the law says must be in the registry, anything else it can be argued is not required by law so shouldn't be included:
94 Content of registry
(1) The following particulars must be recorded in the registry:
(a) the number and date of expiry of every type of licence held by a person under this Act:
(b) every licence holder’s full name, date of birth, and address:
(c) every endorsement on a licence:
(d) every condition on a licence or an endorsement that is additional to conditions imposed by this Act or regulations made under section 74:
(e) the particulars of the make, model, and identifying markings of every firearm, restricted weapon, and prohibited magazine possessed by a licence holder, and of the location of the firearm, restricted weapon, and prohibited magazine, if the particulars are held by the Police:
(f) every particular that regulations made under section 74 require to be recorded in the registry.
(2) The registry may include—
(a) photographs provided under section 34A; and
(b) any other information that the Commissioner considers necessary or desirable—
(i) to ensure that the registry is complete and accurate; or
(ii) for the administration of this Act and regulations made under it; and
(c) any other photographs that the Commissioner considers necessary or desirable.