The criminally inclined won 't give a damm.
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The criminally inclined won 't give a damm.
It isn't if the Registry is hacked or leaked - it is when it is leaked or stolen.
When the criminals get their copy of the registry - and they will - it becomes their shopping list with the what where and how details.
Whatever security you have is meaningless when several large criminals threaten to beat the proverbial out of you our your family if you open your safe(s) for them. Registry might help to subsequently recover or identify your stolen firearms. It won't protect you.
end of the day if some scumbag has a gun pointed at you or knife at your kids throat etc the safe will get opened. and registration will only add to the extra risk of this happening. only takes one person who has the ability to see the info and who needs the cash or drugs they need to leak the info or some bright bugger who can hack their way into the database and the risk of being held hostage to release our firearms will increase
I had a thought that in the old days of the paper registry any sort of sharing through illegal or criminal activity, would be minimised by being more localised but that obviously went to poose recently from sensitive document being left in that abandoned cop shop.
Once online it will be widespread with no doubt.
The biggest reason other than cost that it will fail.
The side notes of almost guaranteed major inaccuracy and just outright lack of ability to actually manage it in a timely manner also does it no favours.
Actually the last point is probably the biggest thing.
They have been struggling to manage licenses.
What's the bet they wont be able to keep up with it from the start to make it work even on that level
Put all this stuff in your submissions folks. The more holes you can pick in it the better.
Be as specific as you can and provide ideas on how to get it to work better.
Then if they don't listen at least you tried, and if they don't then you have a right to complain because you submitted.
Always identify your target beyond all doubt because you never miss and I will be missed
COLFO had said they would have a summary up sometime this week. I will be keen to see this and see if there's anything I overlooked. Submissions close 14 October so still time to add another to the heap that will be ignored.
Link to thread by Percy Jones with COLFO's response
Wonder if Pinnacle Health stored LFO info?
Go here for their response.
Just seen this from the meeting.
Regulations discussed, to date only 180 submissions received and given the low response to date there will be no modification of the proposed regulations. PLEASE MAKE YOUR SUBMISSION SO WE MAY HAVE A CHANCE TO INFLUENCE THIS.
--- So; as it stands; they are intending IGNORE submissions made so far on the excuse of not enough! Cripes! Did I waste my time?
Got my submission done.
2.5 hours.
Do it.