4 years and 11 months - unless you do something like move house, or buy ammunition!
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Imagine the fun we could have if we chose to complete the forms written in our choice of language. I'm of Danish decent, might fill mine out using my original native language. Might slow the system down somewhat. Dette er min skydevaben ansogning, translation
this is my firearms application.
When filling out the submission form, make sure you tick the box so that your details are not provided to anyone seeking information under the Official Information Act. I can see this happening and people being very unhappy about it after the fact.
Don't agree with any of it but that aside.
I can see a gap in the process that when you do the initial submission of information or when changing address you must provide the capacity of your storage. No where is there a complimentary process for capturing an upgrade or addition to your storage capacity.
I also believe, despite reading the relevant legislation a few times, that the Arms Act is very vague in whether you need to inform the police when you change the security or add to your security arrangements in your current address.
While not related to the registry. I also have a substantial issue with the requirement to provide my primary care provider as a firearms licences holder. I consider this a significant breach of privacy. I also can see why they may want this information but firmly believe that it is counter productive in the intention. Any licence holder having a mental health, alcohol or drug issue is less likely to seek timely treatment if they are concerned that such seeking of treatment may impact their current and future ability to hold a firearms licence. I know these concerns align with similar concerns raised by the Privacy Commissioner which remain unresolved.
What if you are not registered with any Dr's? I asked in mine what they are going to do to get the gangs to comply
I've referenced the previous leak in my submission: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/old-au...WHDBTH4JBPWCY/
Reported in the news 2 days ago, that nobody will be taken to task for leaving the firearms owners private details (which were consequently stolen) in an insecure and abandoned police building. No surprises there. And if the new registry gets hacked as a result of incompetence...?
The registry will get hacked - not by incompetence - by deliberate illegal access.
There are about 11-12,000 police staff, sworn and unsworn.
Almost all are reliable trustworthy people.
That leaves a few dodgy ones who can't be trusted.
It will take only one dodgy untrustworthy person the breach the security of the registry. It will happen.
Consider the prosecutions for sworn and unsworn staff access to databases in an improper fashion.
The registry will be the shopping list that gangs will be using.
Unfortunately I agree, this system will be breached, eventually, most likely in a way that involved someone with authorised access and therefore security of the database from outside access will be irrelevant.
The blame will be put on the individual who did the illegal sharing of information when this does happen but it will be a failure of the controls of the database which assumes compliance within Police and didn't account for the human factor in security design.
The risk is all on the people that hold firearms licences and not on Police at this point as we will be the ones put in danger from theft and potential assault from people trying to access firearms they know we possess.
I am not comforted by the platitudes provided about the security of the system. I want to see external judicial control on the access of the information which requires a request to access the information on a case by case basis rather than having uncontrolled access made by "authorised people".
At the very least if anyone accesses the information of anything in this registry I want internal accountability on a process on which this access is justified.
Having trained some people on government systems I know the people factor is the weakest link in the strongest designed systems. However the people typically have little information security awareness, training or knowledge and certainly by in large the technological competency of most users is abysmal.
The security of the database is definitely a concern. There was the recent Auckland police data theft, but that is chicken feed in term of risk compared to a breach of the incoming database.
The first breach we should look at is the buy-back one - https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/pol...uyback-website Yes, it was disappointing to the police, but their response was even more disappointing to anyone who takes their privacy and security that stems from that seriously!
If you are making a submission, think about this: https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/cri...o-gangs-jailed
Yes, they jailed him, but the information cannot be reeled back in once it has been given out.
The police association's own website (see https://www.policeassn.org.nz/news/c...-seeps-into-nz ) has this to say: "NOCG crime manager Detective Inspector Paul Newman says that while there’s little evidence of systemic corruption within New Zealand, it is increasingly at risk of being exploited by more sophisticated criminal groups.
“Organised crime at this level doesn’t exist without corruption,” he says.
Last year, police exposed baggage handlers at Auckland Airport who were being used by gangs to ensure that drugs brought in via aircraft avoided the normal security screening process. One of the baggage handlers had $250,000 stuffed into the roof cavity of his new home."
It is cases like this: https://www.nzherald.co.nz/northern-...UAPVR5XTOUXZU/ that concern me - where police have access to something that has value to gangs, some, likely a very small minority, will cave and compromise the integrity of the system.
It only has to happen once.
There was a story about a police recruit with gang connections among their immediate family. I can't find a link to it though. Anyone help out here?
We haven't even touched on the other agencies that will have access to the database. If you have any examples of how people have been compromised, please post them. The stronger the message, the better for us.