"Thou Shalt Not Leave Firearms In An Unattended Vehicle".
So says NZ's Arms Code. Is it legislated in Law or a directive from those who administer the NZ Arms Code. I daresay if it was to reach a Courtroom a Judge would adjudicate on circumstances. ie What constitutes an "Unattended" vehicle. The best analogy is the Richard Lincoln case whereby he carried his Firearm(s) into a public toilet rather than leave them in an unattended vehicle as per the letter of the "Code". A complaint was made, Lincoln was arrested by Police Officers ignorant of the Law/Code but after much ado was dismissed in a Court of Law, incidentally after much obfuscation, delivery of false testimony, and outright lying by the Police Officers involved. It is a very interesting case to read. I assume this will have to be tried again given the new legislation coming into effect from 24/12/2020. Remember folks 95% of NZ Police Officers are completely ignorant of the Laws they are paid to enforce. Read the Rules and know your Rights and be prepared for a world of grief if you happen to be the "Guinea Pig" in another test case.