Thanks for posting link Cordite. Under offenses 'Carrying or possessing a firearm without a lawful, proper and sufficient purpose' Is hunting organic Broccoli in the supermarket 'proper and sufficient purpose' ? This is written in a way that Police have some discretion. The Police I know would take a dim view of firearms being carried into ordinary shops and not consider the purpose sufficient.
Lets all be sensible and keep our noses clean. Build a lock box for your vehicle
Last edited by Moa Hunter; 30-01-2021 at 10:48 AM.
Well Billy Joe, I have a song for you and Cordite and Kiwi Sapper
Since the law is so specific any reasonable person must conclude that taking the firearm with you is the only legal option. Avoiding breaking such a specific law must be considered reasonable reason.
I think the only way to get better laws is for Police to be tied up wasting a lot of time and effort with people obeying stupid laws. Police seem to be driving a lot of law changes nowadays so give them incentive to improve things.
There are only three types of people in this world. Those that can count, and those that can't!
I dont read the law as being 'so specific'. I read 'proper and sufficient purpose' to mean that there is room for the Police to make a call on the situation and decide that there is 'insufficient' purpose. Where is @Sidney to please clear this up ??