hello, just looking for advice from people who have recently had safe inspected.
I have read the firearms safety storage guide.
"The cabinet should be fixed to the building on two surfaces with at least 6mm fasteners and fastened to a rigid surface or support such as concrete, brick or through plaster board to a stud or dwang. Fasteners of 6mm x 75mm long will ensure at least 50mm of thread is engaged in the rigid support. Use heavy gauge ‘coach’ screws anchored by at least 50mm and a large washer placed under each coach screw head into the framing. If secured into concrete, use similar gauge chemical or expanding bolts. Floor fixing to a wooden floor to be completely through the floor. The bolts should have a stout backing plate or sufficiently large washers to prevent them from being pulled through the floor."
being fixed on two surfaces can that be in the corner of the room to studs in the two walls? As I am in a rental and would rather not bolt through the floor boards.