I'm an engeen-
I'm an enjenee-
I'm an enginhee-
I'm good with math.
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I liked the one written in the desk.
First guy writes, "I never used to know how to spell injuneer. Now I are one."
Someone came along and wrote, "You're illiterate."
The first guy writes a couple of days later, going by the hand writing and pen, "Yes, three months."
They teach dog safety in schools, so why not guns.
When I was at High School (1998-2002) we had a trap shooting range out the back that we used to go blast clays on every weekend (boarding school) and sometimes during PE classes so the day boys could have a crack. We also had small bore shooting during school hours for those who chose to and would go on school organised pig hunts and deer stalking some weekends also.
I know of a guy (friend of well known forum member) who runs and Archery class, including hunting days, at a SI college.
All good stuff in my humble opinion
Thank you all for the endorsement and words of encouragement - no surprises there! Nonetheless, much appreciated.
It's good that there are still plenty of people out there willing to spend the time to help kids experience such things. My son recently attended the scout jamboree. Every kid there got to shoot a 22 and shotgun. There were about 2500 kids there. They also gave every one of them a ride in a helicopter. Some very generous companies and pilots out there.
The local scout Troup had a night recently shooting air rifles. They loved it but watching them handling the rifles demonstrated how safe handling of a firearm does not come naturally to 12-14 yr olds who have had no previous experience . They needed close supervision and constant reinforcement of safe practice.
Hats off to those of you willing to give you time to enable these kids to benefit from your knowledge and experience.
Hey diastolic-areyou a Consumate Unimpressed Nonsensical Type or is it your mission in life to be a total misery guts:ORLY::XD::P
Yup Im calling ya babyface.
bad grammar is intended as a fat wee mouse to a big fat hungry trout:omg: