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Thread: A heads up

  1. #1
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    A heads up

    Spoke to chap today who had family member phone one of those free helplines when feeling a bit stressed.... Yeah all good idea.but nekminute. Police do welfare check etc and house holder has it suggested firearms shouldn't be in house. The young person has zero access to them. I suggested be very careful and watch dates as it COULD be considered a triggering event. Also suggested contacting Nicholas Taylor lawyer for advice. Slippery slope that could turn nasty. Worst bit is young person now doubly stressed as realised the good phonecall has had bad ramifications.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  2. #2
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    cant like this .... going thru something similar myself ...... without going into it too much he will get a call from the FSA , maybe not for a few months he needs to be proactive because the FSA are not our mates ....... we are still looked at as outliers of society
    Micky Duck, RV1 and Deanohit like this.

  3. #3
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    Oh he proactive alright,think our conversation today will make him more so. Good luck yourself bud. Agree it's a weird world we find ourselves in these days.
    75/15/10 black powder matters

  4. #4
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    the sooner the FSA is taken out of police (who are only qualified to enforce the law and nothing else ) hands and given to an agency run by people that are qualified the better

  5. #5
    308 is offline
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    And don't tell your doctor if you are feeling unwell - they have been told that they have to nark us up to popo

    So more men die of treatable diseases?
    Oh well, the world had too many people anyway

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by 308 View Post
    And don't tell your doctor if you are feeling unwell - they have been told that they have to nark us up to popo

    So more men die of treatable diseases?
    Oh well, the world had too many people anyway
    How so?

    A mate with a FAL has been on the decline over the past 6 years due to his liver, he finally made the transplant list early this year, received a donor liver in the last few weeks, he’s on a tonne of drugs so his body doesn’t reject the transplant and will still be in recovery phase for sometime.

    No ones come knocking on his door because of his FAL!
    BRADS and dannyb like this.

  7. #7
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    This is the whole issue....On the face of it, we want people to reach out if they feel like they need help. And the idea that this help should also include making sure that any means they could likely use for self harm should be removed while they seek help.

    But unfortunately that in itself becomes a punishement for seeking help discouraging those who probably should ask for help from asking for that asistance - Making them reconsider and not ask and try to battle through it by themselves potentially compounding the problems and making it even worse. BUT and this is a big BUT..

    This is a lose / lose situation and there is no correct answer.....and no correct response. Every situation will be different

    I will not say whether I think it is the right or wrong thing to do because I see several different perspectives and each has its own issues.

    If the FAL is revoked and person was never in danger of self harm- Police cop it for removing them without reason-
    If the person retains their FAL and goes on to self harm or worse - Police cop it too...
    If FAL is revoked and person still decides to self harm - Police cop it for not doing more -

    There is no situation where the police come away from this situation looking like they did the right thing... The removal of the firearms themselves as a tool for self harm is obvious, but we also have to remember that the FAL also gives us access to purchase or access firearms elsewhere hence why I understand the removal of that as wel

    All I can suggest is that if you need help, Ask for it, If I ever am in the position where I need help, I hope I have the courage to ask for it. If you feel like things may be going down that path, dont wait for the autorities to remove the firearms- perhaps get someone to take them from you when you ask for help- Family or another FAL holder and for your own sake, let them know why- even if that is after you seek help.
    Intelligence has its limits, but it appears that Stupidity knows no bounds......

  8. #8
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    the issue here tho is not the FAL holder it is someone who resides with them , now the FAL holder has proven over many years that he is fit and proper and takes their security seriously follows the law rgarding access and security to the tee and yet some pencil pushing person (a sworm officer) not qualified to make assessmemts on mental health sitting in some office in wellington will arbitrarily decide that even tho you have met all the security criteria and then some and you are fit and proper law abiding , he will with a stroke of a pen remove your firearms.... under the threat of "if you dont comply we will temporarily suspend your licence" now dont be fooled when they say this when you speak to an arms officer they will tell you temorary suspension ALWAYS leads to revokation. bear in mind this is all done over the phone (by glorified telemarketers) if you ask for it in writing or ask for the name of the guy making the decision you will be told "not until you agree to comply then we will send something in writing" and when that written copy arrives they will have added a whole lot more restrictions you hadnt agreed to

  9. #9
    308 is offline
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    People respond to incentives and the way bullshit castle made the prev govt write these laws, the incentive is not to seek medical help for LFAO due to mandatory reporting

    Less medical help = worse health in my book
    physeptone likes this.

  10. #10
    Bos is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    Spoke to chap today who had family member phone one of those free helplines when feeling a bit stressed.... Yeah all good idea.but nekminute. Police do welfare check etc and house holder has it suggested firearms shouldn't be in house. The young person has zero access to them. I suggested be very careful and watch dates as it COULD be considered a triggering event. Also suggested contacting Nicholas Taylor lawyer for advice. Slippery slope that could turn nasty. Worst bit is young person now doubly stressed as realised the good phonecall has had bad ramifications.
    Exact same thing happened to a mate of mine. His partner just happened to have an "off the cuff" conversation with a nurse at a local medical center. That was enough to trigger the whole chain of events.
    Trout, Carbine, 308 and 1 others like this.

  11. #11
    MB is offline
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    It's not an ideal situation, not least because it may dissuade people from seeking help. General practitioners have been put in a difficult position. I'm quite sure most of them would rather have nothing to do it.


  12. #12
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    my GP (immigrant pom) actually wants to try shooting. i may have to take him to a farm and let him shoot a few bunnies
    Micky Duck, MB, Cordite and 2 others like this.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty View Post
    now dont be fooled when they say this when you speak to an arms officer they will tell you temorary suspension ALWAYS leads to revokation.
    To be fair here, this is not correct and there have been a couple of cases I am aware of where the initiating complaint was found to be without merit and the licence reinstated. Although to be fair the uplift in one of those cases left a lot to be desired on the attitude front from the gentleman doing the uplift of the firearms and licence. Also the means at which that licence holder was informed left a hell of a lot to be desired too.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by scotty View Post
    the issue here tho is not the FAL holder it is someone who resides with them , now the FAL holder has proven over many years that he is fit and proper and takes their security seriously follows the law rgarding access and security to the tee and yet some pencil pushing person (a sworm officer) not qualified to make assessmemts on mental health sitting in some office in wellington will arbitrarily decide that even tho you have met all the security criteria and then some and you are fit and proper law abiding , he will with a stroke of a pen remove your firearms.... under the threat of "if you dont comply we will temporarily suspend your licence" now dont be fooled when they say this when you speak to an arms officer they will tell you temorary suspension ALWAYS leads to revokation. bear in mind this is all done over the phone (by glorified telemarketers) if you ask for it in writing or ask for the name of the guy making the decision you will be told "not until you agree to comply then we will send something in writing" and when that written copy arrives they will have added a whole lot more restrictions you hadnt agreed to
    I think that a phone call to Nick Taylor is what is needed here.

    No way should they ever withhold their identity. It's almost akin to a blackmail like situation. If they are acting lawfully, there should be no issue to identify ones self, and to go down this track I would suggest is at the very least unprofessional, let alone unlawful.

    The FSA will always err on the side of caution, because they do not want the media scrutiny when things go bad. However, good people's rights are being trampled under the weight of this caution.
    RV1 likes this.

  15. #15
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    To be clear. If that phone call from family member contained red flag terms or phrases...yeah well fair enough to FIND OUT what the situation is to be on safer than safe side. Mental health needs looking after.
    75/15/10 black powder matters



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