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the issue here tho is not the FAL holder it is someone who resides with them , now the FAL holder has proven over many years that he is fit and proper and takes their security seriously follows the law rgarding access and security to the tee and yet some pencil pushing person (a sworm officer) not qualified to make assessmemts on mental health sitting in some office in wellington will arbitrarily decide that even tho you have met all the security criteria and then some and you are fit and proper law abiding , he will with a stroke of a pen remove your firearms.... under the threat of "if you dont comply we will temporarily suspend your licence" now dont be fooled when they say this when you speak to an arms officer they will tell you temorary suspension ALWAYS leads to revokation. bear in mind this is all done over the phone (by glorified telemarketers) if you ask for it in writing or ask for the name of the guy making the decision you will be told "not until you agree to comply then we will send something in writing" and when that written copy arrives they will have added a whole lot more restrictions you hadnt agreed to