I wear earmuffs over 80hrs a week while at work in 145+db
Tinnitus, yes - very much so, however hearing tests come back at 95% as its not a major frequency.
At a pub, some peoples voices I cant understand at all - and I dont mean when Phils pissed and slurring
Sounds like they are under water.
What I do find, is those that work in the same environment, I can hear clearly as their speech/tone avoids the tones that are an issue also.
Your brain can turn your ears off so to speak, when you're wearing muffs all the time, your ears arnt needed and your mind will ignore them - takes a week to come back properly when I get home.
There is a herbal brew from Europe which works and Ginseng apparently helps.
The brew was used by a friend that developed VERY bad Tinnitus from a side effect of some chemo drugs - reacons it worked very well, however maybe a different type of damage.
Things that will give you Tinnitus without you even knowing it are fans, AC units etc - basically anything thats runnings at a constant frequency even though the amplitude isnt high will also damage your hearing.
Engines for eg wear your ears out, loud noises like guns hammer them - 2 slightly different damages.