Let me tell you of my weekend of woe so others may learn from my experiences.
We had our House and Garage burgalrised on Friday Morning by some low life oxygen thieving arseholes.
Bastards kicked in the bakdoor to the garage, rifled through the draws in my workshop and found the keys to my ammo and reloading components cupboards.
Then they discovered one of my Rifle Safes and tried to use the keys they found to open it without success.
Bastards stole my two new Garmin Rhino 650's

They had stuffed my day pack with all my knives, my Bino's and a Blaze orange camo jacket and had stacked this near the door for pick up later.
They also removed some panes of glass in the louver windows in the washhouse and went through our house stealing all the usual items, lap top, video cameras, cash, jewellery etc, still finding stuff missing today.
I'm sure they were also looking for the keys to the safe they had found out in the Garage.
The worst was they stole keys to some of our doors.
Lesson here is don't leave any keys in your doors like we did especially ranch sliders or french doors.
The cops were called and they came down and checked it all out and recovered some finger prints, shoe prints and a palm print so I'm hopefull they may be able to identify the C*nts.
I secured the place as best as I could Friday avo and Saturday morning went down to Mitre 10 to get some gear to repair the Garage door and beef up my security some what.
I got home just before lunch and found two dodgy and very nervous blokes parked up my driveway one launced straight into a speil about coming to look at the car I advertised for sale on face book. I knew he was lying from the fact that no one that lives at my address has a facebook account or has a Blue Honda for sale.
I took the details of their car and passed it onto the cops.
The cops rang back today and they have intercepted the two car buyers who turned out to be gang members who were in possession of goods that didn't belong to them including a number of house keys.
Unfortunately none of it appears to be mine.
Again I think they were tipped off to the fact that I have some firearms stored on the premisis, probbally by the P Head who broke in and who probally owes the gang drug money and that these others came round to check it out for themselves.
So as of today I have increased my security, installed some bloody loud alarms and monitored cameras.
None of which will prevent anyone from breaking in and taking what they want, but it will provide the cops with some very good evidence to help convict the thieving arseholes.
I have also taken a more detailed inventory of the Rifles just in case the worst should happen.
I'm also on the back foot with insurance, the friendly chap on the phone said no worries your covered..... just provide us with a list of items stolen and proof of ownership like original reciepts and/or original packaging.
Who keeps this stuff?
Even the forensic cop said he doesn't keep that sort of stuff for his gear.
I did have photos but you guessed it they are on the bloody Lap Top that got nicked.
Lessons learnt
Don't leave house keys in your doors.
No matter how good you think your security is it can always be better.
There are arse wipes amoungst us that will steal everything you own and what they cant steal they can pass on the info to those that can steal it.
Call the cops if you see anything suspicious no matter how small you may think it is. This may be the last piece of the puzzel the cops need to solve other crimes.
Keep all your original purchase reciepts and photos of your gear in several places just in case things like this should happen to you.
Having seen how my firearms were/are being targeted by these criminals is making me rethink why I have them in the first place.
No doubt some more serious thinking will follow, especially if another attempt to burgalrise them is made.