No not because the Police can or do do it. However the Police logic and training is to protect themselves whilst a threat still exists. They have training in these situations and we dont. The Police have examined how these situations play out and how to best handle them.
The crim still had a knife which he had not surrendered and would kill the farmer the instant positions were reversed which may well have happened had the crims mates (who had dropped him off) re-appeared. In that situation the farmer would certainly have lost his life.
What I am wishing to express is, that although I am not at all a violent person, if faced with a situation such as the farmer did with being attacked and traumatised, a bottle smashed over my head and told that I would be killed if I didn't hand over my keys, I know that I would be that wound-up and agro as well as protective of my family that I would shoot them as soon as I got the shotty. It is not a situation any of us who have not been in the services could handle rationally. If you yourself shot an intruder after that type of episode I would not think less of or judge you for it. In fact I am sure that most of us would shoot in the same situation - but then I also have a Trump sticker on display ... !
A knife is a very fast and lethal weapon at close range. Even if you have a gun in hand, a retained knife is very much a threat. God forbid I would have to face such a situation but in training I have definitely seen it demonstrated.
There's no question the butter knife thing is strange, but who knows, the truth will either come out in court or it will remain known only to those who were there.