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Hello again, this is my second post.
Reading the safes/ gun racks thread, along with the Police station gun theft thread got me to thinking. A friend of mine decided to make/have made, a secure walk in gun safe in his house. He had a contractor drill into the basement foundation of his house to insert reinforcement bar into it. He then used cement block over the rebars and built walls to make the walk in safe. Smaller safes can be made, ones that resemble the size of a steel safe but a lot less expensive. Numerous rebars were used vertically and horizontally as well as steel mesh cemented between the blocks. The hollow blocks were filled with concrete. A thick steel plate was used for the roof and well secured into the walls. He also added a very secure steel door. Inside are racks and a very good dehumidifier system with an alarm if the humidity gets low, very important since this is in the basement sitting on the houses's concrete slab, below ground. The same thing could be made by the average guy with easily bought materials. The roof can also be made with poured concrete with rebar and mesh. Or, simply buy a steel safe or two or three. What are your thoughts?