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Thread: How to lose your NZ Firearms License?

  1. #31
    308 is offline
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    Don't do stupid things at stupid times with stupid people

    Also, don't report crimes or admit to witnessing anything

  2. #32
    Join Date
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    Hawks bay at moment
    So do the cops have to have a fire arms licence for their work guns?
    Could they lose that but not thier jobs, from minor incidents or does the not of suitable character also rule them out for police work.

  3. #33
    Gone but not forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by kruza View Post
    So do the cops have to have a fire arms licence for their work guns?

  4. #34
    Join Date
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    With all the requirements, rules, stay out of trouble and laws that FAL holders have to obey

    I reckon the more FAL holder in the country, the safer the country.

  5. #35
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    In my last relationship over the last decade I have twice had step kids call cops over alleged "domestic abuse". Both times were over pathetic things like me telling them to go to sleep at 3 am after being on phone all night etc.

    Never raised my voice or fist and in both instances the attending Officers quickly and correctly realized the calls were nothing more then angry kids being malicious.

    The second instance however I was physically dragged out of my bed by Police a couple hours after going to sleep. And initial response from the two Officers involved was absolutely disgusting... and has forever changed my opinion of NZ Police.

    After all that and being 100% innocent and not charged with any offence, I still received the "any other offences and your fit and proper status will be reviewed" letter.

    I have never had a parking ticket or speeding fine and have worked for defense and justice system almost my entire adult life.

    They don't need an excuse, just the pretense of one.

  6. #36
    308 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Preacher View Post
    In my last relationship over the last decade I have twice had step kids call cops over alleged "domestic abuse". Both times were over pathetic things like me telling them to go to sleep at 3 am after being on phone all night etc.

    Never raised my voice or fist and in both instances the attending Officers quickly and correctly realized the calls were nothing more then angry kids being malicious.

    The second instance however I was physically dragged out of my bed by Police a couple hours after going to sleep. And initial response from the two Officers involved was absolutely disgusting... and has forever changed my opinion of NZ Police.

    After all that and being 100% innocent and not charged with any offence, I still received the "any other offences and your fit and proper status will be reviewed" letter.

    I have never had a parking ticket or speeding fine and have worked for defense and justice system almost my entire adult life.

    They don't need an excuse, just the pretense of one.
    I know that the Police Complaints Authority are toothless but putting in a complaint about their treatment of you shows that you aren't just going to roll over

  7. #37
    Member Magnus's Avatar
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    Quickest way for FAL revoke or loss is an argument with a scorned woman.
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    Cursed be the ground for our sake. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for us. For out of the ground we were taken, for the dust we are... and to the dust we shall return.

  8. #38
    BSA is offline
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    Under the new Legislation when determining Fit & Proper Police cannot go back and use any convictions/transgressions retrospectively from before your last Firearms Licence was issued.
    308, timattalon and OGM like this.

  9. #39
    Member Steve123's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BSA View Post
    Under the new Legislation when determining Fit & Proper Police cannot go back and use any convictions/transgressions retrospectively from before your last Firearms Licence was issued.
    Do you know what section/paragraph states that?

  10. #40
    Member Growlybear's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OGM View Post
    "Toothless" is also a description I would use.

    My two cents would be a lawyer's letter. This puts the Police on notice that you are not low hanging fruit.

    But I also suggest keeping a sense of proportion. Some guys out there are total jerks (etc) and the Police want to be seen to be doing the right thing.

    I get why the Police can end up taking a bit cynical a view on the world dealing with what they do...
    Trouble is,their masters have become more political than ever before, and therefore, Police have become a means of enacting policy, rather than protecting the law abiding. The disgusting exhibition of those bullies in dresses beating on actual women, while police looked on, has finally eroded what little respect I had left. I no longer trust them to do the right thing.

  11. #41
    BSA is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve123 View Post
    Do you know what section/paragraph states that?
    Fit and Proper Definition / NZ Police dated 11/4/22

    The criteria will not be applied retrospectively to reassess current licence holders but will be considered when Police respond to new actions by a current Licence holder after the commencement date of Section 24A

    That clause has been deleted from the new Firearms Authority website definition of Fit & Proper but it is the Law. (I cannot post the scanned copy I have from NZ Police - I can't reduce it in size to post here, I'm not very computer savvy.

  12. #42
    Gone But Not Forgotten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Finnwolf View Post
    You’ll get it taken off you if you ever get a protection order made against you - even if you’ve never been charged let alone convicted.
    Having a protection order granted by the Family Court has always led to a suspension of a FAL and surrender of your firearms. You have the option of contesting the protection order and if successful then your FAL and firearms are returned. If not contested or you lose your appeal to have the protection order discharged. Revocation of your FAL becomes permanent as long a the protection is in force. You can apply to retain your FAL if the protection order becomes permanent (good luck with that).

    Unfortunately, due to Helen Clark introducing, "psychological abuse" back in her day as a means for a protection order. Many men have had a protection order made against them on the basis of psychological abuse and lost their firearms licence. If you have a FAL then the Family Court judge more than likely isn't going to risk refusing an application for a PO. Can't blame the judge as I suppose as he/she doesn't generally know the person accused of the heinous crime of psychological abuse and they could be a nutter.

    A local farmer told me he spent several years and over $70,000 in legal fees getting his protection order discharged. Wife had accused him of various things that he said were completely false. Couldn't see his young daughter etc.

    As for losing your licence or not having it renewed for speeding tickets. I know it has happened but the ones I heard about were habitual speeders. You can understand that such persons are a menace on the road and could hardly be termed, "fit and proper". Having lived and visited quite a few countries when younger, I'd say that our fellow New Zealander's are some of the worst drivers you'll ever find. For some reason, these same drivers are usually good, decent generous kiwis but when they get behind the wheel they just can't seem to stand anyone in front of them and have to pass. I'm talking outside of cities here. Tailgating is another kiwi bad habit these clowns indulge in.

  13. #43
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    Road Sign shooting is something that really boils me. Some how our licencing system allows people to slip through who then go on to shoot up road signs. It creates a clear public impression of firearms owners as destructive wankers. In the 'spirit of Easter' I would like to see any sign shooters caught, nailed up to a road sign and left for the birds to pick
    10-Ring, Woody, outlander and 4 others like this.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by OGM View Post
    So he fell into the trap. That is exactly how its designed to keep divorce lawyers in business. I have come across this sort twice and I would have to say they are some of the most unscrupulous sorts around. First time was probate for my Father's estate (he did not have a will) and second was a friend of a friend who I got chatting with about his lawyer work.

    I would have suggested he do little or nothing. Starve the other side of attention.

    And never, ever, marry a divorce lawyer.
    You can't do nothing in that situation if you want to see your kids or not be victimized. It's something called female pattern violence, effectively turning society against someone by manipulating social reputation. In the case of separated parents, the mother often uses this technique at the behest of divorce lawyers to either gain the upper hand in separation proceedings and establishing a 'favourable normal' from which to negotiate from and concede a few limited things to appear to be nice, while crushing the rights of the other parent. Techniques seem to be mandatory violence and protection orders, fear of harm reports and concerns for child welfare and parenting standards. Fairly evil stuff in all honesty and after seeing the effects of four or five of these cases with varying results my advice to all parents now is go hard and early with documentation and court orders and really set the normal solidly so there is no wiggle room for lawyers to exploit. Once the wiggle starts it can take a decade to unwind and its only the kids that suffer...
    10-Ring and Moa Hunter like this.

  15. #45
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moa Hunter View Post
    Road Sign shooting is something that really boils me. Some how our licencing system allows people to slip through who then go on to shoot up road signs. It creates a clear public impression of firearms owners as destructive wankers. In the 'spirit of Easter' I would like to see any sign shooters caught, nailed up to a road sign and left for the birds to pick
    Yes, but I think nailing people to road signs is a bit counter productive, most are barely standing up and the rest are hard enough to read as is.
    BSA, 10-Ring and Moa Hunter like this.



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