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Thread: Hunter rescued by helicopter after accidentally stabbing himself

  1. #76
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    Oh FFS! I never rubbished his opinion at all. He rubbished mine.

    Just pointing out the irony of how strongly he feels about the subject and can vale an insult to me and another poster who doesn't use one.

    Sort of like anything else people have a strong belief in, and imply others should follow or bad things will happen.
    Remind you of anything?

    I have been involved with a few SAR where they didn't work for various reasons. They are simply not infallible enough to make me think they are essential.

    FFS some posters are arguing on another thread on where and how they should be carried.

    I also said I don't have one now. Might get one one day but I am not in a hurry.

    You yourself are saying or implying I have no regard for my own safety or the people around me? Where the fuck does that come from? Because I don't have a PLB?
    Get over yourself. You don't know me and certainly haven't walked in my boots.

    There are other protocals to ensure you are found should the need arise and maybe that is suffice for me and my family for now.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    Lighten up bro - it's the internet. There are going to be disagreements, there are going to be insults, there may even be misinterpretations.
    Getting yourself wound up doesn't do anyone any favours... In My Humble Opinion.

  2. #77
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nickoli View Post
    Lighten up bro - it's the internet. There are going to be disagreements, there are going to be insults, there may even be misinterpretations.
    Getting yourself wound up doesn't do anyone any favours... In My Humble Opinion.

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  3. #78
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    Apparently he's back home now cut has being stitched up. The one thing I was wondering though how he stabbed himself. Sounds like put the knife down then slipped onto it somehow. Makes the mantra ' knife in hand or sheath' look like a good idea..

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  4. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    Personally I find it absolute madness that kiwi blokes will spend thousands on rifles and other gear but won't buy a PLB simply because "they are expensive" ($300??? You could spend more than that taking your lady for a night out) and justify their decision not to carry one because they "spend more time in the hills than most" and thus far nothing has gone wrong for them.
    You could possibly have a total disregard for your own safety and possibly even others around you but at least for the sake of your family and others who care about you a PLB is CHEAP insurance.
    LOL If you can afford $300 a night to take your woman out then I am not surprised your springing for a PLB. I bet you hunt with a gold plated AK47 too...

    But just because you blokes like having them, does not make them essential. in recent years the common use of them has changed the nature of an emmergency, giving rise to a spate of callouts that I will describe as frivolous. Someone I know who had a sore ankle, the pair that called a chopper in because they were cold and didnt have a lighter for a fire, the lady that got choppered out because there were too many sandflies, the hippy that didn't wear any shoes and his feet were sore.

    If you need a PLB to be comfortable in the bush then you should probably take up another past time. Mountain climbing, sure. Take a PLB. Wear a helmet. But its more dangerous driving to the National Park. This insistance on carrying a PLB as if it should be mandatory smacks of self aggrandizement of some kind, a bit macho, look out deep wild I go...you walked there. Through some trees. The most dangerous thing threatening you is the drive home.
    Yes people die in the bush every year. Most of them are foreign tourists who wear denim jeans and die of exposure. A couple of old bastards hunting will have coronaries, because there old bastards. If you\re truly unlucky you'll get hit by a rock after you've shot a tahr and fall off a cliff, but as I said, if you're mountain climbing. Sure. Otherwise I dont see the urgency in getting one.
    I had to call S&R out for a friend once, but I still dont think PLBs are essential. And I think some people are making a lot of money off them. That is, after all, the purpose of insurance.
    Last edited by Carlsen Highway; 11-01-2018 at 07:03 PM.
    veitnamcam and EeeBees like this.

  5. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    LOL If you can afford $300 a night to take your woman out then I am not surprised your springing for a PLB.

    But just because you blokes like having them, does not make them essential. in recent years the common use of them has changed the nature of an emmergency, giving rise to a spate of callouts that I will describe as frivolous. Someone I know who had a sore ankle, the pair that called a chopper in because they were cold and didnt have a lighter for a fire, the lady that got choppered out because there were too many sandflies, the hippy that didn't wear any shoes and his feet were sore.

    If you need a PLB to be comfortable in the bush then you should probably take up another past time. Mountain climbing, sure. Take a PLB. Wear a helmet. But its more dangerous driving to the National Park. This insistance on carrying a PLB as if it should be mandatory smacks of self aggrandizement of some kind, a bit macho, look out deep wild I go...you walked there. Through some trees. The most dangerous thing threatening you is the drive home.
    Yes people die in the bush every year. Most of them are foreign tourists who wear denim jeans and die of exposure. A couple of old bastards hunting will have coronaries, because there old bastards. If you\re truly unlucky you'll get hit by a rock after you've shot a tahr and fall off a cliff, but as I said, if you're mountain climbing...
    Personally, as an old bastard I'm hoping for a "hard attack". And if that happens while I'm in the hills I will be hitting that PLB button. They can either fly my wife into me, or me out to my wife. I won't be bothered either way. It will still be a rare treat.

  6. #81
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tahr View Post
    Personally, as an old bastard I'm hoping for a "hard attack". And if that happens while I'm in the hills I will be hitting that PLB button. They can either fly my wife into me, or me out to my wife. I won't be bothered either way. It will still be a rare treat.
    I pity anything near you that might be warm if it doesn't work out

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    Tahr and veitnamcam like this.
    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  7. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    I pity anything near you that might be warm if it doesn't work out

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    You guys should get together for a hunt....

  8. #83
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by MSL View Post
    You guys should get together for a hunt....
    Happy to as long s he stays away from any of those boner pills

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    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  9. #84
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    I mean, be reasonable about it, I hunt often with a chap who has health issues who carries a PLB along with all his medication. And then there's old bastards like Tahr himself, who has one foot in the grave already and his hand on the headstone. But until I go full Stephen Hawking I am going to avoid the wheelchair. (Thats a saying I just made up)
    EeeBees likes this.

  10. #85
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    When younger we didnt have PLBs.
    But we were fit and were comfortable in the bush.
    Biggest worry was getting shot by some other hunter.
    Now I am older have one for piece of mind as the body starts to age(or to be honest has aged).
    If I was in the my twenties to late thirties again I would be argue I could do without one.
    But have used a compass and map known where I am and where I am going for the last 40 years.
    It is technology that is handy but not essential.

  11. #86
    Wadiyatalkinabeet Ryan_Songhurst's Avatar
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    You blokes must all drive round with no seatbelts on because you haven't been in a fatal accident before. Simple minds...
    Timmay, Savage1, gadgetman and 4 others like this.

  12. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Carlsen Highway View Post
    LOL If you can afford $300 a night to take your woman out then I am not surprised your springing for a PLB. I bet you hunt with a gold plated AK47 too...

    But just because you blokes like having them, does not make them essential. in recent years the common use of them has changed the nature of an emmergency, giving rise to a spate of callouts that I will describe as frivolous. Someone I know who had a sore ankle, the pair that called a chopper in because they were cold and didnt have a lighter for a fire, the lady that got choppered out because there were too many sandflies, the hippy that didn't wear any shoes and his feet were sore.

    If you need a PLB to be comfortable in the bush then you should probably take up another past time. Mountain climbing, sure. Take a PLB. Wear a helmet. But its more dangerous driving to the National Park. This insistance on carrying a PLB as if it should be mandatory smacks of self aggrandizement of some kind, a bit macho, look out deep wild I go...you walked there. Through some trees. The most dangerous thing threatening you is the drive home.
    Yes people die in the bush every year. Most of them are foreign tourists who wear denim jeans and die of exposure. A couple of old bastards hunting will have coronaries, because there old bastards. If you\re truly unlucky you'll get hit by a rock after you've shot a tahr and fall off a cliff, but as I said, if you're mountain climbing. Sure. Otherwise I dont see the urgency in getting one.
    I had to call S&R out for a friend once, but I still dont think PLBs are essential. And I think some people are making a lot of money off them. That is, after all, the purpose of insurance.
    Sure, there are muppets who shouldn't be using them.
    I sincerely hope you never need one....

  13. #88
    Almost literate. veitnamcam's Avatar
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    Entertaining read so far fellas.
    I have one but only because my Mum told my Dad He/I needed one,generally I have it as the old bloke does little dangerous stuff these days but if either of us go away on a trip we swap it backward and forwards.....probably most dangerous at work for him and me, much more likely to get injured or killed at work than in the hills and there is all sorts of better coms there generally.

    I try to take it wherever I go etc but truth be told it is in the glove box of the ute/boat/bumbag/lifejacket pocket/ in a pack and may well be in the ute while I am in the boat or in one of my other packs while out for a day hunt.

    You can get all pedantic and wear one on your neck 24/7 even in the shower but at the end of the day it is about risk assessment, that is a fairly new term but something mankind (especially us outdoorsy types) has been doing for century's and we generally are good at it or we would not be overpopulating the planet as we are.

    Certainly if you have one take it with you on any trip,any major trip I take mine....The only time I wear it on my person is in a boat and then only if high risk.
    Each to there own how they wear/carry one the main thing is if you have one take it with you.I do and am guilty of leaving it behind a lot of the time.
    gadgetman likes this.
    "Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.

    308Win One chambering to rule them all.

  14. #89
    R93 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan_Songhurst View Post
    You blokes must all drive round with no seatbelts on because you haven't been in a fatal accident before. Simple minds...
    So we are simple now? Any more insults ya wanna direct because some people don't think like or do what you think is right?

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    Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.

  15. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by R93 View Post
    So we are simple now? Any more insults ya wanna direct because some people don't think like or do what you think is right?

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    ....again, (and just my opinion ....again....) don't take an opposing opinion so personally - each to their own, and may common sense prevail.



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