@stretch has done some modifications to the original form. There are now two versions:
Plain Version: Has a blank area you can sketch a quick diagram of where you intend to be in a general sense.
Fancy Version: Has a topo map window you can zoom and pan to your intended hunting area to the level of detail you like. It should print out.
There is no recommendation to the amount of detail you should show as a hunter. If you want to protect "spot X" do a largeish circle around your general area. If you have a habit of wearing reddish brown clothing and like to crawl around the bush on your hand and knees then maybe its worth while adding some extra specific detail to where you will be and when.
Remember it is not a booking system. No hunter can get 'dibbs' on open DOC land. It really falls back to each and every one of us to act reasonably, apply the rules of the arms code, identify targets, and treat other hunters and recreational users with respect. This is simply a notification system so any hunter can feel a bit more comfortable that others in the area will be aware of their presence and refreshed on the basics of firearms safety.
Sure, there might be some amongst us who are from life's gene pool of idiots who might think they get priority by being in the carpark / hut / river junction first, circling a dozen or more square kilometres and then get pissy when another hunter turns up at some point. Normal etiquette applies and this notification system doesn't fix this. This just gets information out there. The quality of the information comes down to how each of us chooses to use it.
What I need now is a mod / admin to sponsor this as a sticky and get it posted up for ongoing ease of use. Anyone? PM me.
Cheers, Feral.