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  • 13 Post By johnd
  • 3 Post By chainsaw
  • 6 Post By BruceY
  • 2 Post By cas
  • 1 Post By Micky Duck

Thread: I nearly did

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2012

    I nearly did

    I was watching the TV this morning with its usuall talk back. A comment was made that Firearms owners have been silent on this and "we would love to hear from you"

    I started to formulate a reply in my head and one of the passages I was going to type read like this.

    "As firearm users and compassionate people we feel saddened by the acts of friday, our general response has been one of quiet, as what can the average normal human being say at a time such as this other than feel for those affected."

    Then I realised that what ever comment I make , it would be twisted to serve media agenda's.

    I did like our PM's speech and the comment that the seeker of notoriety shall remain nameless..

    I am also glad that the country has shown nothing but compassion for this event and I hope it remains that way.
    R93, shooternz, chainsaw and 10 others like this.

  2. #2
    Member scotty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnd View Post
    I was watching the TV this morning with its usuall talk back. A comment was made that Firearms owners have been silent on this and "we would love to hear from you"

    I started to formulate a reply

    Then I realised that what ever comment I make , it would be twisted to serve media agenda's.

    yup that big old gin trap set by the media to catch out a hapless firearms owner

  3. #3
    Member chainsaw's Avatar
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    But Alpers & Cayhill etc are relying on us law abiding hunters and gun owners remaining silent so they can ram the most extreme version of the changes through. Damned if ya do and damned if ya dont.
    nightowl52, Cordite and csmiffy like this.

  4. #4
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    I emailed Alpers on Wednesday >philip.alpers@sydney.edu.au< and suggested he stay in Australia...keep his nose out of our politics...I guess that will be like pushing sloppy brown stuff uphill....

  5. #5
    cas is offline
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    If you feel you want to name then do, if not don't, we name every other mass murderer. Its not honouring him and its nobody else's business. Even then video, I've watched tv screen Muslim beheadings videos, pixelated the worst bits. Jews being bulldozed into tranches and our own solders in WWII.
    Don't let the media become our social police. Next thing you will be put in jail for having an opinion.
    keneff and Cordite like this.

  6. #6
    Member Cordite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cas View Post
    If you feel you want to name then do, if not don't, we name every other mass murderer. Its not honouring him and its nobody else's business. Even then video, I've watched tv screen Muslim beheadings videos, pixelated the worst bits. Jews being bulldozed into tranches and our own solders in WWII.
    Don't let the media become our social police. Next thing you will be put in jail for having an opinion.
    Yes, it will soon be called "islamophobic" or "hate speech" to mention the annual thousands of mass murders and persecutions routinely done and condoned by the Religion of Peace (TM), even as a bare fact and if one is not advocating violence or hatred (which I don't either - haters destroy themselves in their processes).

    Recall the pre- and post-Paris-tunnel-crash, when you were suddenly not allowed to criticise the Peoples' Princess (TM) --- not even use her image in a Wear_Your_Seat_Belt campaign. Hysterics and pearl clutchers are the enemies of democracy.
    An itch ... is ... a desire to scratch

  7. #7
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    cas n cordite you have both missed the point here
    if you dont EVER mention its name it looses the fame game...it doesnt get the internet hit count or the coverage to continue stirring shit up...it simple fades away into nothingness and hopefully deceases quietly to be cremated and have ashes poured into sewer.....
    epic fail in attempt to live on in martredom
    rewa likes this.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by chainsaw View Post
    But Alpers & Cayhill etc are relying on us law abiding hunters and gun owners remaining silent so they can ram the most extreme version of the changes through. Damned if ya do and damned if ya dont.
    Seriously ? could've been way, way more extreme. Ask any Aussie

  9. #9
    cas is offline
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    Great theory Mighty duck but he will already be a hero with those who agree with him, maybe you might have a point but are you really worried about his supposed fame its not a game to punish him is it? His name will be held high by nutters like him and in my house it will be a name associated with hate and violence just as Hitler's is. Do you not mention any of these guys by name in your house or is this a new life rule that the T.V taught you? How come it is a media decision anyway. I got no problem with his name and I will remember it and use it with discretion when I feel its appropriate so that my kids know who he is/was and what kind of thinking made him behave the way he did. If many white boys had received some better discussion and education on Nazism they may not be where they are today .

    All good Ill think more on your perspective anyway, ta.

  10. #10
    Member Micky Duck's Avatar
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    cas...MY household does not suppress the truth about our history...... the horrors of WW2 and what was done to our P.O.W.s was not told to our kids at school but I found what info I could and let them make up thier own mind........ and before you say it.this is a fresh incident and NEEDS time to play out and die BEFORE it would be appropriate to have it out in open.
    what this scumbag has done is not right in any way shape or form anywhere.
    there is no game to punish IT.... IT is the one who is trying (and succeeding) in playing games.....IT set a whole lot of things into motion that are going to be a right mongrel to try to stop.

  11. #11
    cas is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Micky Duck View Post
    cas...MY household does not suppress the truth about our history...... the horrors of WW2 and what was done to our P.O.W.s was not told to our kids at school but I found what info I could and let them make up thier own mind........ and before you say it.this is a fresh incident and NEEDS time to play out and die BEFORE it would be appropriate to have it out in open.
    what this scumbag has done is not right in any way shape or form anywhere.
    there is no game to punish IT.... IT is the one who is trying (and succeeding) in playing games.....IT set a whole lot of things into motion that are going to be a right mongrel to try to stop.
    fair call on the fresh thing. all good.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by rewa View Post
    Seriously ? could've been way, way more extreme. Ask any Aussie
    @rewa I don't reckon they've finished yet



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