Not surprised you gotta remember the Police are "special (highly trained )people" not at all like us mere mortals.
God forbid a licensed firearms user did that in self defence they would be financially ruined among other things. More and more it seems "do as we say not as we do ......" and they wonder why their credibility is shattered with the public at large
Trust the dog.........................................ALWAYS Trust the dog!!
"The jury heard from experts that it was most likely that the officer's Bushmaster rifle had been in safety mode, but was put into "fire" mode accidentally as the rifle brushed against the leather holster holding his Glock pistol, attached to his vest.
This probably occurred as the officer pushed the rifle to his side as he knelt on the man. The officer rose from the man, took a few steps back, then came forward again to help the man off the ground.
At some point one of the buckles on the officer's vest entered the trigger guard of the rifle, which was hanging from a harness over his shoulder, and when he crouched down to raise the man, the weight of the rifle forced the buckle to pull the trigger and the rifle fired."
Hahaha you've got to be kidding me, pull the other one - it's got bells on
"Krebs said the officer should never have been put in the position he was as he was not a fully qualified AOS member and had not completed his training"
What I can't work out is, they have the man in hand cuffs and he's not putting up a fight but you still walk around with a loaded gun relying on the safetyit sounds like they went out of their way to concoct a story as to why it went off. Sure shit happens but 4 little things all in one hit
Note a loaded rifle is not referred to. I really wonder if there is any organised training for this to occur
Boom, cough,cough,cough
Haha, why am I not surprised.
Did anyone here go to the trial and hear all the evidence or are we just listening to what the media says. Because we all know how accurate they are with their information.'
Besides, jury trials require every member of the 12 person jury to say guilty, or 11 if there is a rogue jury member. So basically, if 2 people say the person is not guilty, then he is acquitted.
Good defence if I sadly shoot you in the bush huh? I'm gonna add a Glock holster and many more buckles to my tackle![]()
Boom, cough,cough,cough
I am on the police side for this one.
Very few people in society will ever have to carry a firearm and required equipment for a job where they have to physically manipulate other people.
Training aside, I am really surprised it hasn't happened a lot more.
If every possible scenario could be anticipated......
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Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
"Hunting and fishing" fucking over licenced firearms owners since ages ago.
308Win One chambering to rule them all.
Makes you think if the Jury had any firearms knowledge before hand.
Not my call. I don't know the requirements to be in the AOS. Like the military suitable people operate in roles they might not nessasarily have done a course for.
If the incident described is true, a course with a wee certificate would not have prevented it. It could have potentially happened to anyone trained or not imo.
Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
Do what ya want! Ya will anyway.
They are doing a job they should be trained for and Workforce should be up em like anyone else. It's just a job their salaries tell you that, it's their choice, don't try to screw my head, some guys work in War situs for wages! Their choice!
Boom, cough,cough,cough